Automatic Network Reconnection Issue with Kunbus RevPi Connect S Controller in Balena Environment


At TMH, we use the Kunbus RevPi Connect S controller in our projects and have recently encountered a problem with the network connection. During network outages or disturbances, the router loses the connection for a short time but then restores it.

At the same time, the controller also appears offline in Balena and does not come back online even though the router’s connection is re-established. The controller needs to be restarted to restore the connection. We would like to know if we can change any settings on the controller so that it reconnects automatically after each network outage.

We would appreciate any possible solutions or suggestions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards.

Hi. I have a few questions.

1 - What is the OS version for the Connect S you are using?

2 - Does this happen 100% of the time when the router misbehaves?

3 - What router is it?

4 - What is the exact issue you are seeing with the router? Is the router still reachable from the internal network? Are the DHCP leases still valid in that time?

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hi, Here is my response to the Questions

  1. Which operating system version (BalenaOS) are you using for the Connect S?
    BalenaOS 2022.4.1

  2. Does this problem occur every time the router malfunctions? [Roufin Mahmood] It doesn’t happen the same way every time. With the same issue (sudden disruption) on other routers, the other controllers can reconnect to the internet. We couldn’t detect any pattern here.

  3. Which router are you using?

We are using the Teltonika RUT955 and RUT240

  1. What exactly is the problem you are having with the router? Is the router still accessible from the internal network? Are the DHCP leases still valid during this time?
    The problem with the routers, as far as we know, is a sudden signal disruption. The routers are configured to restart the network connection after a certain timeout period in such cases. If this doesn’t help restore the signal, the router is restarted again. In our logs, we can see from the “uptime” that the router has not been restarted for a long time. After disruptions, I would say that the network connection is always restored and we have access to the routers. However, we cannot check network reachability through internet surfing because surfing can only be done on-site. I estimate that during this issue, the DHCP leases should still remain valid.
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hi, Here is my response to the Questions

  1. Which operating system version (BalenaOS) are you using for the Connect S?
    BalenaOS 2022.4.1
  2. Does this problem occur every time the router malfunctions? [Roufin Mahmood] It doesn’t happen the same way every time. With the same issue (sudden disruption) on other routers, the other controllers can reconnect to the internet. We couldn’t detect any pattern here.
  3. Which router are you using?

We are using the Teltonika RUT955 and RUT240

  1. What exactly is the problem you are having with the router? Is the router still accessible from the internal network? Are the DHCP leases still valid during this time?
    The problem with the routers, as far as we know, is a sudden signal disruption. The routers are configured to restart the network connection after a certain timeout period in such cases. If this doesn’t help restore the signal, the router is restarted again. In our logs, we can see from the “uptime” that the router has not been restarted for a long time. After disruptions, I would say that the network connection is always restored and we have access to the routers. However, we cannot check network reachability through internet surfing because surfing can only be done on-site. I estimate that during this issue, the DHCP leases should still remain valid.
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