Also, I see only capture-dualcam.c is actually used, correct?
Hi @alon ! I tried to recap the config findings in the repo readme (the dual camera bit is required only if you are planning to use 2 cameras on the balenaFin). The project automatically runs capture-dualcam
but capture
, arducamstill
and list_format
are also provided for reference and can be executed manually. Those are all lightly modified arducam examples ( cam_interface
definition and switch to arducam_init_camera2
). Feel free to test this out, it should be fairly trivial to make it run on a non-balena environment but please do ping us again in the thread if you hit any blocker!
Maybe I’m not clear - I have done tests with the arducam and have had experience getting it working on RPi 3b and failing to get it working on Balena Fin v1.1 with CM 3 lite. I wanted to know what you changed - it seems to me I understand now, but I’m basically diffing the sources you offered from my experience (actually will do testing on Sunday), and instead I hoped as someone who started from my example which you said you managed to reproduce a non working arducam you managed to produce a working solution - I just wanted you to explain what you changed.
There are 3 things that we have done that you might have done differently
- We have setup the pins as per this structure in the Arducam library example.
- We have setup the dt-param config variable in the dashboard as mentioned before. You can find documentation about the available config variables here.
- We have increased the amount of available memory to the GPU. You might not need this for this particular camera, but we have found that for some of the higher megapixel count cameras, we need to tweak the default value.
Thanks for your example I compare to my code and saw that I had reversed the trigger and led. I tried your order and it worked. Thank you,