Adding custom device to openBalena instance

Found that production images are not working as expected, it is possible to ssh in to development images using instructions from this thread, but I have not had any luck with production versions. balena scan was the way I found the device UUID previously, and now even with configuring the OS w/the test application I have the device “running” it is not functioning as the development version does.

It might be to do with configuration of the IP addresses for the openBalena server, since that’s local (a 192.168.x.x address). Is this a normal issue?

edit: Have tried configuration with a UUID supplied as well though the method shown in the masterclass here, still no luck getting a production version to show up in openBalena. Perhaps I am missing something in the config generation? Command I am running:
balena config generate --app test --version v2.49.0 --device (UUID from openssl rand call) --network ethernet --appUpdatePollInterval 10 --output config.json
Using this config.json in the os configure call has not successfully had the device show up under the test application when running balena devices --app test