My builds say they take 16 seconds to deploy, but if you include retrieving the cache it is much slower than that, what causes cache retrieval to be so slow, and what could be done to improve the time?
It is significant because it affects my development speed. Are there any settings I could modify to make it faster?
EDIT: To be more specific, I’m talking about the time period in which I see this message:
Pulling previous images for caching purposes…
I don’t want to disable caching because building opencv is part of my dockerfile, so it is definitely faster to run with the cache, it’s just slow to retrieve the cache.
@cnr I believe the speed of pulling the cache is based on the fact that the image registry is on AWS and the build (assuming you are building for Arm based device ) is happening on the ARM build servers so the bottle neck is most likely the download/network speed of You could try force an emulated build using git push balena master:balena-emulated which would mean your actual build would happen on AWS in a qemu emulated build rather than on the ARM builder, this would most likely pull the images much much faster because its on AWS purely, but your build for openCV will be probably 10x slower
Hi Elliot, when running in Local Mode, the containers are built directly on the device, so any caching is from layers already on the device, but no there is no caching coming from AWS. Of course, network connectivity reaching outside of your network is still possible, as an example the need to download a base image from Dockerhub, a private registry, etc. But, the build itself should not be interfacing with AWS, no. Hope that helps clarify, and there is some more info here: