Using real (not self-signed) certificates

I am interested in using an internally signed CA for my stuff so leveraging @richbayliss’s solution now it is merged I did the following.

  • Generated a new private key
  • Created a CSR which uses subject alt name for each required CNAME (registry, vpn, etc) in the CSR
  • Signed the CSR with my internal CA
  • Created open-balena.pem which contains the full cert chain and the private key appended

You can either find the physical location of the named cert volume (docker volume inspect openbalena_certs and look for Mountpoint) or copy the pem to haproxy/open-balena.pem and add COPY open-balena.pem /certs/open-balena.pem to the haproxy/Dockerfile

I needed to rebuild my haproxy container using ./scripts/compose up -d --build haproxy

After that my cert CA signed cert is now used.