For a school project, I need to stream video from a camera connected to the Raspberry Pi. The camera I’m using is the official Raspberry Pi camera. The Pi is a Pi 4.
I have found several tutorials on the internet, none of which work.
The problem I’m running into is the well-known “* failed to open vchiq instance” error.
On the internet I’ve found tons of posts that instruct you to run something along the lines of “sudo usermod -a -G video $USER” to change permissions so that a non-root user can use the camera video core.
However, non of the solutions I’ve found on the internet have worked. Solutions on the internet direct you to the /dev/vchiq directory and so forth but my problem is that this directory DOES NOT EXIST on my Raspberry Pi.
I have really looked everywhere and can’t understand why I can not find a solution.
Does anyone have advice?
Thanks in advance,
#----- Dockerfile -----
FROM balenalib/raspberrypi3-debian-python
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install python-picamera
RUN apt-get install python3-picamera
RUN usermod -a -G video root
COPY test .
CMD [“bash”, “bash_script.sh”]
#----- Bash script -----
raspistill -o cam.jpg