OK Thanks. Very good.
UUDI: f42126f2e28d10db84b70fad57210537
OK Thanks. Very good.
UUDI: f42126f2e28d10db84b70fad57210537
Hi, I just checked the device and there are multiple issues reported. If you go on the “Diagnostics” page you will see a list of the problems that are detected on the device. Some might just be a symptom of the fact that the device doesn’t have any free disk space, which would explain the issues you are seeing. I see that /mnt/data
is completely full, so cleaning up some of the disk space and restarting it should bring the device back to normal.
That’s strange. I just flashed a 16GB card. I can try to do it again, but I don’t see how that is.
I checked the card and I find a sqlite database there with 14GB of data. Deleting that will probably be problematic, I guess.
I reflashed the image and now I got a new device trying to boot. I get this log.
03.04.20 15:15:49 (+0200) Downloading image ‘registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/74e853db86165bf4f1fd1d35cf369c58@sha256:70667ac88e0f17d9a4c2ab9faf4d93c42b545ecc650dcc312372fb1a572f6cd4’
03.04.20 15:15:58 (+0200) Failed to download image ‘registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/ec890ab4b684edff6674b4048df794f1@sha256:2f443a8fc704abee147919a3ba2a4246fbdf99346d14a67e27ce409e8eebacba’ due to '(HTTP code 500) server error - Get https://registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/: net/http: TLS handshake timeout ’
When downloading this package it always stops and I think a 500 server error is not good…
New UUID: fda5d1a41f6d03f22470b84e2aa26aed
Hi, could you check the the time on the device is correct? In the past we have seen TLS errors caused by non-syncheronized clocks.