For the last week I’ve been unable to update the docker containers in our fleet.
I’ve tried both setting a group target and pining releases to devices but neither seems to update the containers, I’ve had some devices with the new target release set for over a week and they have still not downloaded the new containers.
This issue is frustrating us and delaying a planned customer release. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
So one thing that was hinted at was we might have to many releases and the devices not able to process the docker registry before timing out. However trying to remove a release using the following api call generates a Internal Server Error
Hello there,
there shouldn’t be such a thing as “too many releases” unless we’re talking about millions of them.
Did the device logs show anything? You could also have a look at the Supervisor logs specifically: When on the device do journalctl -u balenad -t balena
So I finally got an answer from Balena, the issue was there was a environment variable with an invalid character in the docker-compose.yml file, but the build of the container didn’t report any errors, and this was causing the build not to be deployed.