I was poking around your api documentation trying to find a way to turn on and off the public device URL. The purpose of this would be to turn on an off access programmatically to add a layer of just-in-time security to a devices remote access.
I have set device tags in the past using this bit of python code:
def set_device_tag(self, name, value):
logging.debug(f'set_device_tag: {name}, {value}')
if type(value) == float:
value = f'{value:.1f}'
value = str(value)
self.balena.models.tag.device.set(self.env['BALENA_DEVICE_UUID'], str(name), value)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Tag set seems to have failed")
handle_process_exception(e, debug=True)
raise ConnectionError
def get_device_id(self):
proc1 = subprocess.Popen("""curl --connect-timeout 10 --max-time 30 -sSL "$BALENA_API_URL/v3/device?\$select=id,uuid&\$filter=uuid%20eq%20'$BALENA_DEVICE_UUID'" -H "Authorization: Bearer $BALENA_API_KEY" | jq '.d[0].id'""",
shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
close_fds=True, encoding='UTF-8')
stdout, stderr = proc1.communicate()
if proc1.returncode != 0:
raise ConnectionError
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise ConnectionError
if stdout and not stdout == '':
self.balena_device_id = stdout.strip('\n')
# """curl -sSL "$BALENA_API_URL/v3/device?\$select=id,uuid&\$filter=uuid%20eq%20'$BALENA_DEVICE_UUID'"
# -H "Authorization: Bearer $BALENA_API_KEY" | jq '.d[0].id'"""
I see the in is_web_accessible var the api docs for the deivce, but I canât find anywhere I could possibly set that.
Hi @taclog, as far as Iâm aware we donât have a special API endpoint/method to set or toggle the public URL.
There is a way around this by using Pine queries (pine is our backend engine, handling our backend resources), but this will only work for our NodeJS SDK.
Here is a snippet:
AFAIK you canât run pine queries from our python SDK. This doesnât seem right to me so let me get back to you once I talk to the python guys, as I might be misreading the docs.