I’ve been thinking about an issue that I wanted to tackle, which involves controlling Amazon Alexa devices from code as opposed to voice, with additional requirements. So yesterday I started looking into AWS Greengrass, which can be run inside of a container.
I can do it on my dev machine docker instance without any issues, but when I try to push it to the Fin I consistently get
$ balena push
[Info] Starting build on device
[Info] Compose file detected
Some services failed to build:
greengrass: read ECONNRESET
Oh very nice. Yeah I’m just using a base image right now, so anything that gets me a little further.
I tried moving my data to a secrets.yml file, but get the same result. That being said, my password is actually the contents of a private key so I may need to expand on a simple secrets file.
@tmigone Just wanted to let you know that everything is running fine now. I did have an issue which I posted a ticket about on the github repo, but also solved that.
I am able to deploy run the basic “Hello, World” lambda function from GG to the Fin.
In the Default Lambda function containerization settings for the group -> settings, I set containerization to “No Container” as opposed to “Greengrass Container”.