I’m having a problem with a fairly simple setup, our containers do not receive any kind of SIGTERM signal in their scripts. I have tried it with the following simple script:
No, we don’t use an ENTRYPOINT.
Currently this is how our own base images look:
FROM resin/raspberrypi3-python:3.6
### Initialize ###
RUN [ "cross-build-start" ]
# Redacted section, but includes ONLY commands like:
# RUN mkdir <directory>
# COPY <pathonlocal> <pathondevice>
# RUN chmod +x <pathondevice>/<filename>.sh && <pathondevice>/<filename>.sh
# RUN rm -rf <pathondevice>
RUN [ "cross-build-end" ]
We then use this base image in our image like so:
FROM <redacted>
# Redacted section, but includes ONLY commands like:
# RUN mkdir <directory>
# RUN mkdir <directory> <directory2> ...
# COPY <pathonlocal> <pathondevice>
# RUN chmod +x <pathondevice>/<filename>.sh && <pathondevice>/<filename>.sh
# RUN rm <pathondevice>
RUN chmod +x /sonah/src/test.sh
CMD /sonah/src/test.sh
I got an update from our base images maintainer that we are working on releasing a new set of base images, which should be ready in a few days. We will send you an update on this once ready.
INITSYSTEM has been completely removed, so applications that rely on systemd should install and set up systemd in their apps
removed automatic mounting of devtmpfs
dropped support for Debian Wheezy
Given the list of the changes I pointed to above, we strongly recommend testing the app in an isolated lab environemnt before rolling it to production devices.