Run passbolt password manager on Balena

Hi :wave:

It is my first post on Balena and my first contribution :hugs:

I’m JC, Linux system administrator and support engineer at passbolt. I discovered Balena through passbolt community forum and @mpous encouraged me to submit the application to BalenaHub, so here am I :slight_smile:

passbolt is an open-source password manager designed for collaboration, built in Europe, more precisely in Luxembourg.

It is based on PGP and passwords are encrypted with public keys of users, you must own the private key to be able to decrypt passwords. passbolt uses a browser extension, and the private PGP key is stored in this extension. That’s why you need to recover your account and restore your private key if you want to use the extension in another browser. Make a backup of your private key in a safe place, if you loose it, you will loose access to your passwords !

So I pushed balena-passbolt in balena hub, you should be able to deploy by clicking on this button:

deploy button

You will find instructions about how to create your first admin in the description of the fleet.

I have successfully setup on Raspberry Pi zero and 2 but the docker image should be compatible with most CPU architectures, I am interested for your feedbacks. There is 2 containers running in this fleet (passbolt + database) but as I don’t trust sdcards, I think I will add a 3rd container to handle backups. I think you don’t want to loose your passwords.

Feel free to give a try and let me know if you have questions !



Hi @AnatomicJC , welcome to balenaForums and thanks for submitting passbolt to balenaHub. It’s indeed a really interesting one especially for self-hosting enthusiasts like me :slight_smile:

Thank you @iayanpahwa for the warm welcome, don’t hesitate to give feedback. I am open to any suggestion about the way to provide softwares for Balena.



Hello guys,

FYI, I just pushed an updated version of balena passbolt following last passbolt 3.7.1 release: Passbolt Help | Last Day

deploy button

Please enjoy!

Hello there,

I just pushed another update. I added a redis container to handle php sessions and a backup container to handle backups.

The backup container is based on rclone docker image. I chose rclone because of the compatibility with so many storage backends (SFTP, FTP, S3, Uptobox, etc, it is crazy).

I created a base script with backups made locally once a day but you can override this setting with the BACKUP_INTERVAL variable. You can also restart the backup container to trigger a backup :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to edit it and add the correct rclone command to export them on the external storage of your choice. Have a look to the documentation to configure your own: list of rclone providers


Hello guys,

FYI, I just pushed an updated version of balena passbolt following last passbolt 3.7.3 release: Passbolt Help | Release notes

deploy button

Please enjoy!

1 Like

Hello there,

The passbolt 3.8.1 is out, as well as the balena one :slight_smile:

Please enjoy!

1 Like

Hello there,

passbolt 3.9.0 has been released and is available as well on balena.

The MFA pro feature is now available for all community users :slight_smile:

Please enjoy :blush:

deploy button

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This is great JC, I’m going to try it this weekend!


Don’t hesitate if you have any questions, the “Usage instructions” from the passbolt fleet page are the first steps to start.
Next, to be able to receive email notifications, you can set some environment variables or using the new email configuration administration section. All is explained here: Passbolt Help | Configure email providers


passbolt 3.10 has been released and the balena fleet as well:

Deploy it with Balena:

deploy button

passbolt 4.0.0 is out :slight_smile: and the balena passbolt app as well:

1 Like

Hello there,

Balena passbolt app as been updated to latest 4.4.2 version: balenaHub - IoT embedded device apps, edge computing resources, and developer tools

Release notes: Passbolt Help | Is It Because I'm Black

This include TOTP fixes and improved performance.

Please enjoy!