I have Balena OS version 4.0.16 deployed on a rpi4 device. Supervisor lock is enabled to avoid random restarts. However, sometimes all services restart randomly and I have checked the system uptime. It seems hardware has not rebooted but only services have restarted. Are there any logs to check why services are restarted at supervisor level.
Hello @Perzade did you check more logs of the device?
Usually when balenaEngine is crashlooping might be caused due a disk corruption. Could you please try to update the balenaOS and see what happens?
It is the latest OS version 4.0.16 as I have mentioned before. I couldn’t find more info. Can you share what logs can be checked further?
HW is rpi CM4 with 16GB EMMC & 4GB RAM. I checked the corruption and it shows failed status for 1 file only.
Ok! I thought you were using a Raspberry Pi 4 with a SD card @Perzade
Could you please try
balena ps -a
You can also check the journalctl logs for messages related to balena:
journalctl -fn 100 -u balena
Hey…I couldn’t find anything more in the logs. How often are health check reports updated? I am getting same output for past 24hrs even when all service have been working well for over a day.