I build an image through docker-compose file and a docker file in local mode, using the command : balena push local_ip .
When the build finish i can see the new image and the container that run that image. Everything works fine. The default name of the image is local_image_app:latest.
Now i m trying through docker-compose file to change that name and use a name that i want adding the line image: service1:tag1 after the line build .
When the build finish i see in terminal :
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:07:13 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:07:14 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:07:17 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:07:21 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:07:29 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:07:45 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:08:18 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:09:22 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:11:30 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:15:46 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
[Logs] [8/9/2019, 4:24:18 PM] Installing service 'app local_image_app:latest’
After a while the connection lost in terminal ([Error] Connection to device lost).
The image exists in HostOs with name service1:tag1 but the container dont start automatically as before. i have to run it manually.
Also When i get the state with command curl “” , in the output i see the field “image”:“local_image_app:latest”.
Why happens that? how is the right way to name the images that i build (in local mode) as i want?