I am working to enable end user WiFi setup of a Raspberry Pi 3 device from a python gui running inside the container. The interface on the touchscreen allows the end user to enable/disable WiFi, choose SSID, and enter the password. The app is pyhon3 with wxPython for interface. I am currently able to use dbus to get wireless service info from connnman, so I can get the SSIDs along with their signal strength and type of authentication. I realize this will change to NetworkManager in the next resion os but still should be able to access with dbus. The next step is that once the user chooses what settings they want I will use dbus to have connman set it up, which from the docs does not look so bad.
My big question is that if the container changes host WiFi settings, will it get overwritten in the host os next time a new version is downloaded from resin? If not, then how does that work?
If it will get overwritten then the container would have to store the settings and would have to check/fix host WiFi setup every time the app starts up since I don’t think I have a way of knowing if a restart is due to new download or not.
- Shawn