OpenBalena application updates layers or images?

Hi, hopefully someone knows the answer to this as I haven’t been able to find it confirmed anywhere.

I am running a multi-service application and want to confirm how application updates are done.

  • Option 1: All container images are downloaded and applied no matter which containers updated.

  • Option 2: Only the container image of the updated containers are downloaded and applied.

  • Option 3: Only the updated docker layers of the updated containers are downloaded and applied.

  • Option 4: Other?

I’m about to do some testing on this but was wondering if anyone knew off the top of their heads.


Hello @jamwest first of all welcome to the balena community!

if you are running openBalena, the deltas on updates do not apply, so I can imagine that you will see option 1 or option 2. I’m not sure either. If you use balenaCloud you will see the deltas, so it’s Option 3.

You can read more on the FAQ section of the openBalena website Open-source software to manage connected IoT devices

Let us know the results of your experiments. Thanks