Hi, I’m using a node-red flow to trigger a shutdown of my device if a button is pressed - to allow an engineer to safely shutdown and restart the devices in the field. The issue is that my Exec node does not appear to be working and I’m not getting any return in the logs to explain why. Normally, as soon as the button is clicked the device begins the shutdown process - however, when I pressed the button on my balena device it didn’t appear to do anything. The command I’m using is “sudo shutdown now”. I’m running this on a multi-container, do I need to change the command to ensure that it runs it on the hostOS rather than in my node-red container?
Hi, I tried putting the command $ curl -X POST --header “Content-Type:application/json”
“$BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS/v1/shutdown?apikey=$BALENA_SUPERVISOR_API_KEY” but when I pressed the button to trigger a shutdown I got this in the logs: