no app to open balenaetcher

I am trying to download ubuntu and balenaEtcher on my windows laptop, then put them on a flash, to put them on my outdated iMac 1, 5. When I download balenaEtcher for OS, my windows laptop is asking me which app I want to open it with & prompting me to go to the app store. Any ideas what is going on?

Hi Daryan, I’m not real sure what’s going on there, when I download a fresh copy of Etcher for Windows it’s prompts me to install it. However, an alternative option is to perhaps try downloading the “Portable” version of etcher, which is a standalone file. Go to balenaEtcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, select the drop-down arrow on the right side of the green download button, and choose “Etcher for Windows (x86|x64) (Portable)”. Once it is downloaded, simply double click it, and give it a second to launch. Then, you can flash your file like normal. Hope that helps.