Multi-container - How to remove old services?

I had limited success with splitting my resin application into multiple containers - it worked but I was getting erroneous service restarts due to (I think) resource constraints on my Pis (using 3 B+ and Pi Zero) so I went back to a monolithic all-in-one application which is now running with good stability.

I’ve rolled out the new code across the entire fleet but I’m still seeing the old service names listed when I go to add a service variable. What do I need to do to tidy that up?


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I’m seeing the same, but only in the service variable screen. Everywhere else the old services appear to be removed.

Hi @klutchell, @chrisallmark, thanks for reporting this. Right now there’s no way you can remove services from this dropdown, and instead we currently show all the services you’ve ever deployed for this application on the variables page.

I think you’re right that this isn’t quite right though - we’re going to discuss this internally and look at improving that. Thanks for the feedback!


Any update on this? I still see all services I would expect to only see the services installed on in the application.

I too would like a way to delete services that were removed from the docker-compose file from the balenaCloud panel.

I like to experiment with services and having old ones show up in the panel is distracting.

Hello @ttmetro @idoodler thank you for keeping pushing about this.

We created here an issue when this was reported first. Due other priorities this have never been implemented. We will try to put this issue again in the loop and we will keep you updated.

Let us know if we can help you with anything else.

Hey @ttmetro @idoodler

This should be fixed now. Can you please confirm?

Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the fix!

I pushed the app again, and now only the services listed in the docker-compose file show up in the dashboard & disk usage decreased.

Hi there,
thank you again for reporting it, happy to hear that everything is now solved.


I still see a similar issue, I have renamed my services, but now both services show up in the variable drop-down. I verified that the services are not deployed on other devices - is there any way to remove the previously deployed services?



Hello @RobertBakker if there is an available release with these services we still show the services in the list as it’s possible for you to move devices from your fleet to that release.

Is this an issue for you?

Hi @mpous,

I didn’t realize that having an old release in the system with an old service name caused this behaviour - I guess it makes sense that it behaves this way. I can delete the old releases as a workaround.

Thanks for the quick answer.


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Let me know if that works @RobertBakker

yep. works like a charm. thx.

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