Multi Chromium Instance on Balena OS

Hi I’m Taro.
I’m trying to make Digital Signage System.
This is for Japanese Railway Stations, I’ve already made this with another platform and now on production.

Basically, I did like this.

chromium-browser --app=http://your-domain/?display=1 --window-position=0,0 --kiosk --user-data-dir=/var/tmp/display1 &
chromium-browser --app=http://your-domain/?display=2 --window-position=1920,0 --kiosk --user-data-dir=/var/tmp/display2 &

Do you think is it possible to make it with Balena OS?
If you think so, I will try to implement it by cloneing existing project, do you have recommendation that I should clone?

These two seems useful. But second one has a issue about multiple browser, I’m a little bit worried about that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hello Taro,

It does seem possible to build what you described using balena. Almost anything that can run in a container can be utilized, so there are a lot of options. Indeed, we have a few examples of such a project:

Thank you alanb128,
I love this community, there are so many projects I can see!
I think now I have all the cards, I will try to make this and I will share the configuration when it’s done.

And I’m sorry that I didn’t specify the issue, this is I mentioned about.

This is not a multiple chromium, just a single browser instance with two iframes.

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I almost finished dual display version of Balena Browser.

This is forked from Balena Browser but I rewrite API with typescript and updated Base Image.
I will add more especially about original repository link etc…

What I did was was just made 2 User Directory Area for each instances.

## Setup User Data
RUN mkdir -p /chromium/display1
RUN mkdir -p /chromium/display2
RUN chown -R chromium:chromium /chromium/display1
RUN chown -R chromium:chromium /chromium/display2

And launch chromium twice by using ‘chrome-launcher’.

Thank you!

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Thanks, man! Great find. Worked great.