/mnt/data/docker/aufs/diff full - find reponsible container

Hey, we recently noticed an issue with one of our devices where the disk is full. Turned out that that one directory under /mnt/data/docker/aufs/diff is almost 50GB big. Its filled with many binary files named core.<number>. Since we have a multi container setup I’m not sure which container is causing the issue.
The balena daemon seems to fail, probably because the disk is full #balena ps Cannot connect to the balenaEngine daemon at unix:///var/run/balena-engine.sock. Is the balenaEngine daemon running? I had a look at the container, image, mounting files trying to link the UUID of the the folder under /mnt/data/docker/aufs/diff to the container but so far didn’t look in the right place apparently.
Can someone give me a hint via which file(s) I can find out to which container/image the files in /mnt/data/docker/aufs/diff/<UUID> belong?

ps: I’m aware of this thread