Merry Christmas and THANK YOU!!

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Dear Balena team, I want to thank you for your outstanding work.
I love your solution, and I hope to be ready with my product next year so that I can upgrade my plan to support you financially as well!
I want to wish the whole Balena team a Merry Christmas. You are awesome!
Cheers from Germany,


Hear hear! Many thanks! :christmas_tree: :partying_face: :tada:


Agreed, you guys are terrific!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Here’s to 2020 being almost over.


@mawoom welcome to the forums! Have to say this is probably one of the best first forum posts I’ve seen :heart_eyes::grin:

Thanks so much for taking the time to reach out and say thanks. I’ve passed this thread on to the whole team. We don’t always get to hear from our customers on the free plan but use cases like yours are why we have that plan - to help you get started and to scale.

Wishing you all the best with your product development and a happy New Year.

Thanks also to @barryjump and @ramblurr - here’s to a better 2021 (it surely can’t get worse!)