Logs missing - only for some computers

When I log into the balena dashboard from my Macbook Pro, and use either Chrome or Firefox, I cannot see any logs for any of our devices. All log files show ‘No logs yet’. This is also occurring on a coworker’s computer.

However, when I use my MacBook Air, I have no problem viewing the logs on any of our devices.

My initial assumption was that this was related to the cache, but clearing the Chrome cache had no effect, and I had never previously accessed Balena via Firefox.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Both of my macs are running Catalina 10.15.5.

Hi there – that’s definitely a strange problem. Can I confirm I have the right understanding of what you’re seeing:

  • On your Macbook Pro, using either Chrome or Firefox, you cannot see logs for any of your devices. You see the same thing on a coworker’s computer.
  • After that, you have used a Macbook Air. On that, you can see logs for your devices.
  • After that, you have tried again on Chrome and/or Firefox on your Macbook Pro. You still cannot see logs for any of your devices.

Have I got that right?

Can I ask for some additional information to help us track this down:

  • Can you share the UUID for one device that exhibits this behaviour, and share it with support?
  • Can you please visit https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/ in each of your browsers, and share the links with us? Please label the links with the computer/symptoms you’re seeing (“Macbook Pro, no device logs visible”, “Coworker’s computer, no device log visible”, etc).
  • You’ve mentioned Chrome and Firefox; does Safari exhibit the same behaviour?
  • Are your Macbook Pro and Air on the same network?

Thanks very kindly,

Yes, that’s right. Thanks for looking into this!

Can you share the UUID for one device that exhibits this behaviour, and share it with support?

I have enabled support access for it.

Can you please visit https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/ in each of your browsers, and share the links with us? Please label the links with the computer/symptoms you’re seeing (“Macbook Pro, no device logs visible”, “Coworker’s computer, no device log visible”, etc).

MacBook Pro, Chrome, no logs visible: What browser am I using?
MacBook Pro, Safari, no logs visible: What browser am I using?
MacBook Pro, Firefox, no logs visible: What browser am I using?

restricted from sending more than 5 links - here is just the end of the whatsmybrowser links:

MacBookAir, Chrome, logs visible: whatsmybrowser.org /b/EOX9I
MacBookAir, Firefox, logs visible: whatsmybrowser /b/TVV2C
MacBookAir, Safari, logs visible: whatsmybrowser /b/9FVAQ

coworker’s computer, Chrome, logs not visible: whatsmybrowser /b/DZTIF

You’ve mentioned Chrome and Firefox; does Safari exhibit the same behaviour?

I hadn’t tested earlier, but have now, and yes.

Are your Macbook Pro and Air on the same network?

Yes, but my coworker’s computer is on a different network.

Please let me know if any additional information would be helpful. Thanks again!

Hi again,

Thanks for all that info. Could you do one more check for us? Could you open the developer console (Option + Cmd + I) in the computer where you cannot see the logs (doesn’t matter the browser) and share with us any error logs that appear in the console?

Thanks again

Here are the console errors from a computer where I cannot see the logs:


Thanks again!

A few more questions,

Is the computer where you are having issues your work computer?
Do you use any special network configuration for your job? VPN, special /etc/hosts configuration
Do you use any service that can modify the network configuration, docker, virtualbox, etc?
Do you use any privacy browser extensions?

If affirmative to any of the questions, could you try disabling the service, configuration or other to see if the problem is fixed?

Please let us know. Thanks!

Yes, the computer with problems is my work computer.

I use a VPN for my work computer when out of the office, but not when in the office. I have experienced the problems when in the office. There aren’t any differences in how my personal and work computers are connected while in the office.

I have docker installed on both my work and personal computers. It is not running on my work computer (which is experiencing the issues), but is running on my personal computer (which is not). I do not have any docker containers active on either. I do not use virtualbox or anything else comparable.

The only browser extensions I have on the computer with issues are GoogleDrive related and LastPass.

Any proxy configuration? Does the issue persist after reboot?

Do you have the CLI installed? Can you get the logs using the CLI command balena logs 7c7ce50 on your work computer?

Sorry about all the questions. It is indeed a puzzling issue and I’m trying to figure out if there is any particular reason your work computer is not reaching the logs API endpoint. My main guess is that is some network configuration or filter that is preventing reaching the endpoint, but is hard to figure out what exactly.

There is no proxy configuration. Comparing all of the Network settings for my work MacBook (having the problem) to the Network settings for my personal MacBook (logs visible), there aren’t any differences that seem significant to me.

The issue does persist after reboot.

I do have the CLI installed, and can access the logs using the balena logs 7c7ce50 command.

Hello, have you tried in incognito mode on your browser? Maybe you have already tried that. Also, we recommend checking if the problem has occured on multiple devices, or maybe with different app if you have any. Thank you for all the information you provided our team checked the information you provided and it seems fine.

I have now tried incognito mode on the browser, but it did not make a difference. Logs were still not visible.

The problem is occurring on all devices (~20) and all applications (~8). The applications are similar, however.

Could our antivirus software be causing the problem? BitDefender is installed on both computers that can’t view logs.

You could check with the browser developer tools to see if any specific requests are failing for you. I’m not sure about anti-virus software, but if you’re behind a firewall it could very well be…

I’m not seeing any blocked requests in the browser developer tools.

I can check with the team member who manages our antivirus software and see if there is something he can adjust. From what I can see, there isn’t a firewall, but there are other content-blocking settings.

Alright, please let us know…

Thanks for all your help! We have confirmed that it is a setting on our antivirus solution BitDefender, although we aren’t yet positive which one (or combination) of the various settings that we adjusted have restored our missing logs.

You’re welcome, glad to hear it’s solved!