Hey guys,
Per usual I have some regrets with the way my fleet is deployed. My customer success contact advised me to put all my deployed devices in one big happy application…
I didn’t. I have around 10 - 20 applications with 3 -5 getting added every week. As you can imagine pushing a fleet-wide update takes a minute or 40.
However, while I am not that bandwith limited, my devices don’t like staying online for long periods of time and a sizable percentage would not redownload the entire application image if I moved them.
The reason I designed them like this was so that location-specific environmental variables could be used easily. Now that I have learned how to use tags from within my application, I will use tags instead. Is this how people do things? Are environmental variable sub groups in the pipeline? How do other people solve my problem?
Are there any weird things that happen when you have 200+ devices in one application. I have been told that isn’t even close to what balena has been tested on, but I can’t hope but notices that the larger applications seems to get slower at updating device status. With this effect increase?
Thanks for your help.
My best idea would be if it was somehow possible to temporary create a multi-application release, then they wouldn’t need to update when moved. But that wouldn’t get around the /data purge which I also want to avoid?
Am I doomed to running balena push x1, x2, x3, … in a script?