IOT2040 does not log after eth1 configuration

we are using Resin OS 2.12.7+rev1(prod) on a Siemens IOT2040 that has two ethernet interfaces.
In our configuration:

  • The eth0 (that in IOT has name enp0s20f6) has the default configuration (DHCP) and provides internet access
  • The eth1 (that in IOT has name enp0s20f7) has a Static IP

In the dashboard I can see the device online and I can use the terminal, but the logs are not updated and other commands like “Restart” report errors like

Request error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=socket hang up

; also detaching the Ethernet cable from eth1 the problem remains.
Using balena attach I can see the output of the container that are running correctly.
Before setting up the static IP on the second interface the logs worked correctly.

Hello, it appears the Supervisor is unresponsive. What is the output of balena ps -a and journalctl -fn100 -u resin-supervisor?

Hi @dfunckt,
balena ps -a output is this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS                                            NAMES
aa4bab436931        65ff27feddcb                       "/usr/bin/"   6 days ago          Up 19 hours       >80/tcp                             dashboard_310365_506685
e9822e7b9c21        e56995d0637d                       "/usr/bin/"   6 days ago          Up 19 hours       >3000/tcp,>8080/tcp   observer_310363_506685
f32028d2293d        c56313ecf01a                       "/docker-entrypoin..."   9 days ago          Up 19 hours       >80/tcp,>9090/tcp       proxy_310364_506685
a38fb5859570        resin/i386-nlp-supervisor:v7.4.3   "./"             9 days ago          Exited (255) 19 hours ago                                                    resin_supervisor

and it seems that the supervisor has exited and not restarted again.

The output of journalctl -fn100 -u resin-supervisor is only this:

– Logs begin at Thu 2018-06-07 07:02:36 UTC. –

Hmm, weird that it hasn’t come back up and that there’s no logs. Can you see whether systemctl start resin-supervisor brings the supervisor up? That should do it for now, but this might need further investigation on why this happened

After running systemctl start resin-supervisor the output of balena ps -a is equal to

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS  PORTS                                            NAMES
aa4bab436931        65ff27feddcb                       "/usr/bin/"   6 days ago          Up 21 hours>80/tcp                             dashboard_310365_506685
e9822e7b9c21        e56995d0637d                       "/usr/bin/"   6 days ago          Up 21 hours>3000/tcp,>8080/tcp   observer_310363_506685
f32028d2293d        c56313ecf01a                       "/docker-entrypoin..."   9 days ago          Up 21 hours>80/tcp,>9090/tcp       proxy_310364_506685
a38fb5859570        resin/i386-nlp-supervisor:v7.4.3   "./"             9 days ago          Up 35 seconds (health: starting)

but the log doesn’t update. It seems like the supervisor container restarts every 1-2 minutes.

That’s quite strange, would it be possible to provide us with a device that can connect to and investigate a bit?

How did you set up the static IP on the device?

After a while, the device started working again; have I to “grant support access” in order to let you investigate on the device?
I have set the static IP following the tutorial on the website: