How to use volumes with rdt


This is a fantastic setup and a great experience with the rdt tooling. I have pushed a number of containers over the weekend and things are working well.

One thing I couldn’t find an answer to is how to use volumes with the rdt command for persistent data on the host. I have seen I can use docker directly to run my container but the rdt experience is so good I would like to use that approach.

Is this possible? I guess also the question should also be about passing any additional parameters to docker run and not just volumes!

Thanks, Simon

Hey @firecube, Glad you are enjoying rdt. By default, rdt should mount a volume from the hostOS directory /mnt/data/resin-data/<app-name>/ into /data in the container. Obviously its not as flexible as defining your own volumes, but it would also be cool if you add an issue/feature request on the rdt repo here:

Great, thanks!

I have also opened an issue as you suggested.