Getting wireless logs from within a container


Is there a way to get wireless debug logs from within a container?

Namely, we’re looking to to access logs regarding wifi connectivity in terms of a device trying to connect to AP and the error it might be getting (ie, wpa supplicant logs, etc). The use case it to provide a user more details on a display as well as log it and send it to our own servers once the device is online (e.g., on a different wifi).

Also - is there a way to get the “Host OS” logs (e.g., network manager, dmesg) from within a container?

Thank you :wink:


Balena team - any help on this would be very much appreciated?

Thank you.

Hello there,

Sounds like you are looking for a way to read journal logs from the balenaOS. It’s certainly possible. Please see our documentation about it:

You need to enable the supervisor API in the container first as shown in the example project. By specifying the unit you are able to limit reading the logs from a particular component.

Let us know if these help or not, and how it goes with your project.

Thank you!
This is very helpful.