Forcing Spotify to limit cache


I experienced an issue with a RasPi 3+ I set up with Balena Sound for my family kitchen. Spotify’s cache had filled the storage on the (8GB SanDisk) SD card. I looked into clearing the cache and setting up a command for LibreSpot not to use so much storage but, while those functions exist as part of its GitHub, there was no way obvious to me as a non-advanced user to set that up with Balena Sound, so I just re-flashed the card as a fresh device install.

Is there a way I can set this up with Balena Sound? The device is for my parents, so I’m not always going to be around at their place to re-flash the card, and they’re not going to have any idea how to fix it if the same issue crops up again.

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Thanks for opening this ticket, this is indeed something that some members of the community are already working on. You can see the progress on this pull request here - spotify: Add option to disable Spotify's audio cache by eiddor · Pull Request #369 · balenalabs/balena-sound · GitHub

Hi Joel, looks like this got fixed and implemented a while back, not sure if it is still an issue for you or not, but it might be worth checking again to see if it still occurs. Thanks!