"error: unable to write sha1 filename" when trying to push my code to balena

An option worth trying is branching off master, squashing the commits and force-pushing to balenaCloud. If the push goes through, checkout master, and force-push again. That is all assuming there’s something wrong with the history that is tripping the git server.

I have created a new Balena Application and moved my device to this new Balena application.
I also created a new branch dev_pa starting from my master branch and copy pasted (locally) the same small change to my docker-compose.yml file.

When I tried to push this local branch to my new Balena application then I get a different error:
see "[Error] Could not parse compose file" when pushing a local branch to Balena

What is strange that pushing the same changes from the master branch doesn’t give an error (see also "[Error] Could not parse compose file" when pushing a local branch to Balena)

This comment does not address the git issue, but until it is resolved, you may find it useful to try the balena CLI instead of git push. Specifically the balena push command, documented in Deploy to your Fleet. In case you had considered the CLI before, note that recently we’ve made improvements to make it easier to install. You can choose a graphical installer for Windows or macOS, or a standalone zip file for Linux, macOS or Windows, where the installation consists of simply unzipping it.

balena push does not “see” or “care” about git branches: it will push whatever is currently checked out.

Hello all, we identified and fixed an issue on the git server that we believe could be responsible for these errors. Can you please see if things now work for you and report back if not?

I experienced the issue just once, but now it seems that my git pushes are successfully built, but not pushed to my devices. Even with a force update supervisor api call, nothing changes on the devices.

You may need to create a dummy commit to force the commit hash to change and then run git push -f balena master.

Thanks, it is working for me !

I pushed several commits, they are all building without problems, but my devices do not update anymore. Can someone have a look at this?

Using balena push doesn’t work either, it builds, but doesn’t push to my devices. Pushing to another application has no problems.

Hello @thiver . Is this still hapenning. If yes, can you please provide the device uuid or its dashboard url and allow support access?

Hello again,

This is due to dots not being allowed in env var names for the supervisor.
The elasticsearch service has some env vars with dots in docker-compose.yml.
I’ve asked the team why we have such a limitation.

Hi, thanks for the information. I just noticed myself that the elasticsearch entry was the cause.
I will use a config file to edit those settings.

It’s working for me now! :ok_hand: