Sorry But I think I have got all confused here.
I referred the document I need to make sure If I understood the process of fleet deployment in the right way
For instance, here I am using an OpenBalena Stack and Now I have the code ready on the local machine in which I have signed in using OpenBalena and created a device and application. Assigned the device to an application in this instance consider MyApp
I am using the Base Image provided by the Balena for my container and Have added the dependencies in my Dockerfile. I have my application which has a completely proprietary code.
Now suppose I pushed the code using balena push MyApp
( Note: Suppose I haven’t added .balena/balena.yml nor the secrets
directory here )
Then in that instance, it will go to my OpenBalena Stack where Builder will build the image and it will upload these image to the OpenBalena registry and create a release entry in the balena API ( I suppose Builder, OpenBalena and balena API components are on the Server on which OpenBalena is configured. )
Now the confusion starts here if the code is uploaded on OpenBalena / Balena Cloud registry then why on the diagram from that documentation has Docker registry?
I don’t have much of idea about docker But When I referred the Docker documentation I found this line
The Registry is a stateless, highly scalable server-side application that stores and lets you distribute Docker image
Which one is used OpenBalena / BalenaCloud registry or Docker Registry? If Docker registry then can you please explain How secrets
can help me in deploying the proprietary application.
Also, I am confused about this line
If you need to pull in proprietary code or use a private base image during your builds you can do so using the build time secrets or private base images
Pull the proprietary code from Docker Hub?
And How can I deploy my application which is proprietary?