Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms

Hi guys, i need help.
I have a project multi container in my compose.yml.
I’m trying to push my dbmongo but i receive this message and my db not start your service.
[12/22/2020, 4:09:53 PM] Starting service ‘mongodb sha256:03ece9302b7e3ce2fd8b2bf1bd349964196e532b44e2c6cd365748c8e060c151’
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Debug] Device state not settled, retrying in 1000ms
[Warn] Connection to device lost
Retrying “Streaming logs” after 1.0s (1 of 1000) due to: DeviceConnectionLostError: Connection to device lost
[Live] Cleaning up device…
[Debug] Cleaning up done.
ECONNRESET: socket hang up

Error: socket hang up
at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:332:15)
at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:435:23)
at Socket.emit (events.js:203:15)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:448:20)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)

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Someone can help me ?

this is my compose.yml

version: ‘2.1’



container_name: mongodb

restart: always

image: arm64v8/mongo

command: mongod




  - 'mongo-db:/data/db'


Hi. Do diagnostics return all green? On the device’s dash, click Diagnostics Experimental on the left menu and then click Run Checks.