Deploy App to a specific device

I use openbalena in the backend. I have created an App which using balena-cli deploy command

balena deploy myApp

I can deploy to openbalena instance which then will update all the devices that runs this App.
Is it possible to update the App on a specific single device based on its ID or name?

Hi @rlev,


I have tested this with balenaCloud and it works well. You can turn off auto deployment, and then manual update in groups based on device tags.

I have had some trouble with balena cli when connected to openBalena instance I setup though adding tags to devices.



Thanks @dash,
I will check it out.

I have had some trouble with balena cli when connected to openBalena instance I setup though adding tags to devices.

Device tags are not part of the openBalena API product, that is why they do not work.

@richbayliss sorry that’s my mistake. I assumed so as the command is include in the CLI tool regardless or whether you are logged into balenaCloud or openBalena instance.

Is there any place that actually lists whats included/not included in openBalena, and what its intended to be supported at some point (not when just if there is any intention to include it)?


Sorry for the delay in replying; we are putting this together to make it clearer for the community what’s in/out and working.

Just wanted to mention that we’ve added support for tags in openBalena and staged-releases should be much more useful now.


Great. Thanks for letting us know.


Thanks @richbayliss, @dfunckt. :slight_smile:

Tags are a very useful feature.