Current state of hardware RTC support


What’s the current state of balenaOS regarding hardware RTCs?
I’m trying to use a DS1307 based RTC on my RaspberryPi.

I found an old thread here: Disabling access to RTC
There it is mentioned that chronyd is managing the system time.
But in the general documentation, it is mentioned that one can enable the RTC with the given dtoverlay configuration:

Since the RaspberryPi always connects to balenaCloud (and I assume it syncs the time with the server), it is quite difficult to know if the time is taken from the RTC or from NTP.

At least hwclock on the host OS is giving me this error (which lets me assume it is not enabled):

root@<id>:~# hwclock -r
hwclock: can't open '/dev/misc/rtc': No such file or directory


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