control hotspot using environmental variable

Good day,

and nice to meet you.
I am just starting with and try to get some understanding step by step.

I am actually using an Raspberry Pi 4 ( [balenaOS 2.85.2+rev3], Supervisor 12.10.10, ) which creates/opens a connection to the cellular and additionally opens a Wifi hotspot (created by following the instructions here

This is working very well.

But is there any chance to control the hotspot connection (switch on/off) using the balena dashboard, maybe using a device variable? I understand, that I can easily ssh to my host container and enter the following command:

nmcli connection down my_hotspot_connection

But if there is another “faster” option I’d appreciate your feedback :slight_smile:

As far as I know this option is not available, but it’s a good feature to have IMO. I´ll record it to see if it can be added to the product.
In any case, can I ask about your use-case and why you would need it? I’m curious to understand when it’d be used.