I’m not sure this would help either.
When you remove the env vars, switch back to the old config.txt
and reboot, is the config.txt
modified ? If yes, how ?
Thanks for your help.
We will reflash this unit.
Just for the record.
Is there any known bug in the supervisor regarding changing or adding env variable remotely using the balena cloud Dashboard?
Thank you.
I couldn’t find anything: https://github.com/balena-io/balena-supervisor/issues
Thanks @zvin.
Hopefully this is only a one time event. If I find a bug I will report the issue.
Thank you
Hi Balena Team,
For the sake of clarification and correctness,
I would like to explain better what I have experienced using the Balena Cloud Dashboard .
- In the beginning we have a working device with a working LCD display.
- We decided to modify some env variable values using the Dashboard. These values are specifically
- After the modification took place the device the LCD does not work . The display show correct booting splash screens but then goes blank and show random lines.
- I have tried the same config.txt with the modified values ( in balena Cloud dashboard) modifying the config.txt manually in a Balena OS image and the same config.txt that does not work in Balena Cloud works when the config.txt is modified directly in the sd card image before the device boot for the first time.
Any hints about this behavior?
You can only modify config.txt
before the device’s first boot, otherwise it won’t work, we mentioned that in our docs here https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/advanced/#configtxt.
In your case, I think you shouldn’t modify the config.txt locally on a working device. If you put wrong values for the configuration variables (RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_framebuffer_height
and RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_framebuffer_width
) just update them via the dashboard and the change will be applied by the supervisor. According to the conversation above, I think you just need to remove both variables above and the LCD will work again.