Build fails with error - Cannot overwrite digest

Hi @alexgg,

The following build failed with a “no such image” error (although the error message is slightly more verbose than when I have seen this error before).

Here is a section from the build output, the controller service has not been changed in this push so it should be using a cache for all layers of the dockerfile.

[controller]       Step 18/22 : WORKDIR /app
[controller]       Using cache
[controller]        ---> 26dd7c91f442
[controller]       Step 19/22 : COPY --from=build /app .
[Info]             Still Working...
[controller]       failed to get destination image "sha256:26dd7c91f4427270d3aae1c9cf428836297156758e5d5218032bb9f3ff670de3": No such image: sha256:26dd7c91f4427270d3aae1c9cf428836297156758e5d5218032bb9f3ff670de3 

I am running another build and I will share the results from my next build when it finishes.
