"Bind mounts are not allowed" how to define volumes and pass templates via docker compose?

Sorry for the delay, but thanks for your advice that permitted it to build! It’s exciting seeing the interface for all the different services building and deploying independently.

Sadly I’m getting an error on all of my services that I was running into in a prior attempt also:

17.06.19 18:29:27 (-0700)  redis  standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused "exec format error"
17.06.19 18:29:27 (-0700)  celeryworker  standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused "exec format error"
17.06.19 18:29:27 (-0700)  celeryworker  standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused "exec format error"
17.06.19 18:29:27 (-0700)  api  standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused "exec format error"

“exec format error” sounds like it’s the wrong architecture but I didn’t think I set the architecture anywhere, I thought it would build the correct architecture since it knows which device it’s building for. Did I miss a setting somewhere perhaps? This is building for the balena fin 1.1 and the code is at this commit - https://github.com/jcwilk/funkwhale_rpi_compose/tree/29562febbeec6cf7c92a43b9ff34abccf8b94032

Maybe it’s that all of the images I’m referring to are public images of the wrong architecture as they just assume you always want x64 or something like that? I thought it would build them for the right architecture but perhaps they’re pre-built… Sorry for my ignorance on docker!

Also, this is veering away from the original question so I can start a new topic if I get stuck figuring the new error out if that would help keep things organized.