Base image for Raspberry Pi 3 B+, speaker bonnet, I2S microphone and camera

The second option seemed easier and I tried it. This one would require several changes in the code and I am not yet familiar enough with Docker containers and services to do it.

I added:

pa_disable_module suspend-on-idle

to my script. The code compiles and deploys, so it should work. I tested it on a jack 3.5 device and it plays sound. This jack 3.5 audio output did not have a popping sound in the first place, so I can’t say whether it works. I’ll test the removal of the popping sound next time I have access to the I2S device, which I don’t have with me at the moment.

I suggest we close this one and I’ll reopen it if I still have issues with the popping sound. I posted the I2S microphone thread here: I2S speaker and microphone on Rasbperry Pi . How about controlling the volume of the bonnet?