Balena ssh fails with Permission denied (publickey)

For information, balena CLI v13.3.0 or later also allows balena ssh <device-ip-address> to be used with production variants of balenaOS without the need of adding a ssh key to the config.json file. This requires the device to be running balenaOS v2.44.0 or later. The combinations are:

Command balenaOS (dev) balenaOS (prod) < v2.44.0 balenaOS (prod) >= v2.44.0
balena ssh <device-UUID> OK :heavy_check_mark: OK :heavy_check_mark: OK :heavy_check_mark:
balena ssh <device-ip-address> OK :heavy_check_mark: SSH key needs to be added to config.json OK :heavy_check_mark: (CLI v13.3.0 or later)

Also for information, on Windows, note that the balena CLI makes use of the Microsoft’s built-in ssh client that ships with Windows 10 or later. It is not compatible with PuTTY. Check the following answer for more details: add SSH key after provisioning to production device? - #10 by pdcastro

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