I need help on installing open balena VPN on the balena os for my project and i am getting this error while pushing.
Please help
Step 1/36 : FROM balena/open-balena-base:v13.3.1 as base
[Info] Still Working…
[main] —> eabf902914f1
[main] Step 2/36 : FROM base as builder
[main] —> eabf902914f1
[main] Step 3/36 : COPY package.json package-lock.json /usr/src/app/
[main] —> 4dd7120289a5
[main] Step 4/36 : RUN npm ci && npm cache clean --force 2>/dev/null
[main] —> Running in 241d2d772b8f
[main] standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused “exec format error”
[main] Removing intermediate container 241d2d772b8f
[main] The command ‘/bin/sh -c npm ci && npm cache clean --force 2>/dev/null’ returned a non-zero code: 1
[Info] Uploading images
[Success] Successfully uploaded images
[Error] Some services failed to build:
[Error] Service: main
[Error] Error: The command ‘/bin/sh -c npm ci && npm cache clean --force 2>/dev/null’ returned a non-zero code: 1
[Info] Built on arm06
[Error] Not deploying release.
Remote build failed
Hello @neeleshdatley
First of all, welcome to the balena forum and our community.
Can you please share more details about this issue:
- How do you create the release for balenaOS, are you using our cloud builders?
- What files do you use for specifying the release (dockerfile, docker-compose.yml file?)
- Can you please share the files?
Thanks and best regards
I am trying to install this GitHub - balena-io/open-balena-vpn: openBalena VPN. On RPI4
also getting networki timeout error at https://registry.npm.npmjs.org/yocto-queue/-/yocto-queue-0.1.0.tgz.
Is there a tutorial for installing vpn on balena os.
Please Help
Hello @neeleshdatley,
can you please add more details about the issues that you are facing? Can you please try to give the scoped details from the questions we have raised? I’m struggling to understand the setup, the details and what you are trying to install open-balena-vpn on a RPI4. Is this RPI4 running balenaOS and you want the open-balena-vpn run as a service inside of balenaOS?
Hello Fisehara,
Here Our project is for RPI CM4 where different components are connected with wifi , so as to connect southbound traffic with those components wwe are setting up a different vpn in pi and i am trting to run that code VPN that is above . Fisehara this will be going to be a huge project. Can you help or consult with us on this. More then 500 devices are being deployed in first phase. Kindly Help.
Hello @neeleshdatley,
the error message that you share is most probably related to a wrong CPU architecture / cross-architecture build. The builder that is used is a ARM builder, as the target is the RPI4 (AARCH64).
The npm binaries installed in the open-balena-base image are not AARCH64 compatible:
Given this context, I’m afraid to say that the open-balena-vpn and the underlying open-balena-base are not ARM (AARCH64) compatible and will not run on RPI CM4. They are base images for running on servers as they were and are mostly AMD64 architecture.
I suggest you to derive the open-balena-base image for now into a staged build by using the dockerfile form repo and modify the divergent parts:
After checking the release page of node: Index of /dist/v16.15.0/
- For the npm I think it’s sufficient to replace
- For the npm I think it’s sufficient to replace
For confd there is also a arm64 binary:
- which should be accessible when replacing
- which should be accessible when replacing
Hopefully that helps to understand the issue
Best Regards
Is there a way to reach wifi devices connected to RPI via southbound network. Is SDN controller good? how can we use it.
Can we discuss on a call, is there any support for that.
Hello @neeleshdatley,
we are here in our open community forum about balena products, open source projects and linked topics. We don’t provide support calls.
I’m struggling to help you in the forums when you are not sharing the full context of the implementation goal, the steps that you have already performed and the intermediate outputs.
Please let us know if you want extended support which is part of our paid plans and if our customer success team should reach out to you.
Best Regards
Yes I want to extend Paid Plan Support kindly guide me on this. My mail is datley.neelesh@orangemantra.in
Thanks for your interest, you can check out information about our paid plans here: balena - Scale pricing from prototype to enterprise usage
Additionally, our customer success team would already be reaching out to you with more details to find a plan more suitable to your usecase.