Balena Co procesor finabler block error

I am getting this error

getting fin-version tag to v1.1.1…
29.06.21 11:05:39 (-0500) finblock supervisor busy…
29.06.21 11:05:39 (-0500) finblock Error: cannot reach supervisor
29.06.21 11:05:39 (-0500) finblock at /usr/src/app/index.js:134:17

I copy everything from the finabler from github. Is there any setting that i am missing?
it wont let me sleep and is not even answering to get request.

when I try via the terminal on the host to sleep it i get this error…

something to do with the supervisor

Can you paste your docker-compose.yml? Just confirming, to get Finblock to work, you need to add the Finblock service like this:

version: '2.1'
    restart: always
    image: balenablocks/finabler:latest
    network_mode: host
    privileged: true
      - 'fin:/data/firmware'
      io.balena.features.supervisor-api: '1'
      io.balena.features.balena-api: '1'
      - "1337"

Can you paste the output of the command journalctl -u resin-supervisor --no-pager, thanks!

this is my project structure

I ran this -u resin-supervisor --no-pager , on the HostOs terminal
this is the ouput

Hmm, we recently changed the name of the supervisor service on latest balenaOS. Hence the reason why it’s showing no entries present. Can you run this command instead journalctl -u balena-supervisor --no-pagerand post the output.

did a restart of the module and ran the command

dont know if having privledge"true" in both containers messes this up