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with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 8% at 15.60 MB/s (total 15.60 MB/s) eta in 756s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 8% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 753s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 8% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 751s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 8% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 750s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 8% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 749s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 8% at 15.10 MB/s (total 15.10 MB/s) eta in 780s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 8% at 15.00 MB/s (total 15.00 MB/s) eta in 779s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 8% at 16.00 MB/s (total 16.00 MB/s) eta in 730s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 9% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 747s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 9% at 15.20 MB/s (total 15.20 MB/s) eta in 770s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 9% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 720s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 9% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 719s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 9% at 15.20 MB/s (total 15.20 MB/s) eta in 767s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 9% at 15.20 MB/s (total 15.20 MB/s) eta in 766s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 9% at 15.20 MB/s (total 15.20 MB/s) eta in 766s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 9% at 14.60 MB/s (total 14.60 MB/s) eta in 791s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 10% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 736s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 10% at 15.50 MB/s (total 15.50 MB/s) eta in 745s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 10% at 14.90 MB/s (total 14.90 MB/s) eta in 775s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 10% at 15.00 MB/s (total 15.00 MB/s) eta in 766s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 10% at 15.60 MB/s (total 15.60 MB/s) eta in 736s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 10% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 710s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 10% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 708s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 10% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 731s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 11% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 705s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 11% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 728s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 11% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 729s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 11% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 728s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 11% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 702s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 11% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 702s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 11% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 723s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 11% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 721s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 12% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 720s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 12% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 696s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 12% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 695s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 12% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 694s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 12% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 716s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 12% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 716s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 12% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 715s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 12% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 691s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 12% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 690s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 13% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 712s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 13% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 711s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 13% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 710s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 13% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 686s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 13% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 686s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 13% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 707s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 13% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 705s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 13% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 704s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 14% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 702s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 14% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 679s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 14% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 701s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 14% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 700s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 14% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 700s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 14% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 678s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 14% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 698s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 14% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 696s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 15% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 695s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 15% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 695s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 15% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 694s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 15% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 671s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 15% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 670s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 15% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 690s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 15% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 690s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 15% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 688s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 16% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 665s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 16% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 664s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 16% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 685s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 16% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 683s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 16% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 684s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 16% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 683s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 16% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 659s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 16% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 658s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 17% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 679s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 17% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 656s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 17% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 655s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 17% at 16.10 MB/s (total 16.10 MB/s) eta in 661s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 17% at 16.10 MB/s (total 16.10 MB/s) eta in 659s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 17% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 675s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 17% at 15.60 MB/s (total 15.60 MB/s) eta in 676s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 17% at 16.10 MB/s (total 16.10 MB/s) eta in 654s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 18% at 15.60 MB/s (total 15.60 MB/s) eta in 674s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 18% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 670s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 18% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 669s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 18% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 648s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 18% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 647s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 18% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 666s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 18% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 666s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 18% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 663s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 19% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 641s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 19% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 640s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 19% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 660s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 19% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 639s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 19% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 638s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 19% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 636s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 19% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 656s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 19% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 634s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 20% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 654s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 20% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 632s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 20% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 631s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 20% at 16.30 MB/s (total 16.30 MB/s) eta in 629s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 20% at 16.30 MB/s (total 16.30 MB/s) eta in 628s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 20% at 16.30 MB/s (total 16.30 MB/s) eta in 627s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 20% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 648s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 20% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 626s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 21% at 16.30 MB/s (total 16.30 MB/s) eta in 624s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 21% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 644s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 21% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 622s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 21% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 623s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 21% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 622s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 21% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 621s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 21% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 619s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 21% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 638s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 22% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 618s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 22% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 617s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 22% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 616s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 22% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 615s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 22% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 635s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 22% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 614s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 22% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 611s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 22% at 16.30 MB/s (total 16.30 MB/s) eta in 609s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 23% at 16.30 MB/s (total 16.30 MB/s) eta in 608s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 23% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 608s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 23% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 627s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 23% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 607s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 23% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 606s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 23% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 605s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 23% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 604s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 23% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 602s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 24% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 622s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 24% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 619s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 24% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 600s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 24% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 600s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 24% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 617s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 24% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 616s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 24% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 616s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 24% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 615s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 25% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 594s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 25% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 613s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 25% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 612s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 25% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 611s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 25% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 590s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 25% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 589s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 25% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 607s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 25% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 606s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 26% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 606s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 26% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 585s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 26% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 603s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 26% at 15.20 MB/s (total 15.20 MB/s) eta in 623s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 26% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 601s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 26% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 600s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 26% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 599s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 26% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 598s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 27% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 579s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 27% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 597s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 27% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 596s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 27% at 15.60 MB/s (total 15.60 MB/s) eta in 598s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 27% at 15.60 MB/s (total 15.60 MB/s) eta in 597s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 27% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 574s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 27% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 572s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 27% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 572s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 28% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 590s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 28% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 589s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 28% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 587s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 28% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 568s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 28% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 567s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 28% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 585s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 28% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 583s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 28% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 582s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 29% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 562s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 29% at 16.30 MB/s (total 16.30 MB/s) eta in 560s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 29% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 579s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 29% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 578s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 29% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 577s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 29% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 557s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 29% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 557s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 29% at 16.20 MB/s (total 16.20 MB/s) eta in 556s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 30% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 573s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 30% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 572s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 30% at 15.70 MB/s (total 15.70 MB/s) eta in 571s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 30% at 15.20 MB/s (total 15.20 MB/s) eta in 590s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 30% at 9.90 MB/s (total 9.90 MB/s) eta in 900s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 30% at 9.40 MB/s (total 9.40 MB/s) eta in 949s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 30% at 17.20 MB/s (total 17.20 MB/s) eta in 517s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 30% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 458s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 30% at 18.90 MB/s (total 18.90 MB/s) eta in 470s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 31% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 470s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 31% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 469s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 31% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 468s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 31% at 18.90 MB/s (total 18.90 MB/s) eta in 466s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 31% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 466s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 31% at 19.10 MB/s (total 19.10 MB/s) eta in 458s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 32% at 19.10 MB/s (total 19.10 MB/s) eta in 456s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 32% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 463s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 32% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 462s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 32% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 463s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 32% at 17.60 MB/s (total 17.60 MB/s) eta in 491s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 32% at 18.20 MB/s (total 18.20 MB/s) eta in 475s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 32% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 448s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 33% at 18.70 MB/s (total 18.70 MB/s) eta in 459s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 33% at 18.30 MB/s (total 18.30 MB/s) eta in 470s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 33% at 18.20 MB/s (total 18.20 MB/s) eta in 471s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 33% at 18.70 MB/s (total 18.70 MB/s) eta in 457s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 33% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 455s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 33% at 18.70 MB/s (total 18.70 MB/s) eta in 454s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 33% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 439s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 34% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 426s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 34% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 437s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 34% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 436s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 34% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 423s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 34% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 434s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 34% at 19.10 MB/s (total 19.10 MB/s) eta in 438s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 34% at 19.00 MB/s (total 19.00 MB/s) eta in 440s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 35% at 19.20 MB/s (total 19.20 MB/s) eta in 434s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 35% at 19.10 MB/s (total 19.10 MB/s) eta in 436s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 35% at 19.10 MB/s (total 19.10 MB/s) eta in 435s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 35% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 440s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 35% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 439s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 35% at 18.70 MB/s (total 18.70 MB/s) eta in 442s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 36% at 19.10 MB/s (total 19.10 MB/s) eta in 431s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 36% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 426s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 36% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 422s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 36% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 421s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 36% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 422s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 36% at 19.20 MB/s (total 19.20 MB/s) eta in 422s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 36% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 410s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 37% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 420s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 37% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 417s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 37% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 415s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 37% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 414s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 37% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 403s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 37% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 413s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 38% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 411s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 38% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 400s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 38% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 409s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 38% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 397s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 38% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 397s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 38% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 407s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 38% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 406s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 39% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 405s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 39% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 403s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 39% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 392s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 39% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 391s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 39% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 401s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 39% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 400s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 39% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 388s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 40% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 387s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 40% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 396s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 40% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 395s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 40% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 384s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 40% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 383s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 40% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 392s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 41% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 381s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 41% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 391s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 41% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 390s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 41% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 389s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 41% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 377s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 41% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 376s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 41% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 375s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 42% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 384s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 42% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 383s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 42% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 382s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 42% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 381s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 42% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 380s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 42% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 370s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 43% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 379s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 43% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 379s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 43% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 377s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 43% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 375s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 43% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 364s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 43% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 373s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 43% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 372s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 44% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 362s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 44% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 361s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 44% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 369s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 44% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 359s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 44% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 359s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 44% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 368s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 45% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 365s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 45% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 355s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 45% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 362s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 45% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 352s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 45% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 360s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 45% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 359s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 45% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 349s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 46% at 19.70 MB/s (total 19.70 MB/s) eta in 352s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 46% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 348s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 46% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 356s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 46% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 346s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 46% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 354s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 46% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 353s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 47% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 343s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 47% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 351s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 47% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 349s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 47% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 339s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 47% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 347s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 47% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 346s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 47% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 346s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 48% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 336s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 48% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 344s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 48% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 343s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 48% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 333s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 48% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 341s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 48% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 339s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 48% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 338s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 49% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 338s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 49% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 328s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 49% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 337s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 49% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 336s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 49% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 333s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 49% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 332s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 50% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 323s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 50% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 330s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 50% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 321s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 50% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 328s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 50% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 328s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 50% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 318s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 50% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 326s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 51% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 325s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 51% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 316s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 51% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 323s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 51% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 322s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 51% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 321s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 51% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 311s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 52% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 310s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 52% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 318s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 52% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 316s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 52% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 315s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 52% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 314s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 52% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 305s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 52% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 312s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 53% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 311s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 53% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 311s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 53% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 310s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 53% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 309s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 53% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 308s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 53% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 307s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 53% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 305s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 54% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 304s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 54% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 304s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 54% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 302s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 54% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 301s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 54% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 300s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 54% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 291s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 55% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 298s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 55% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 298s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 55% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 289s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 55% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 295s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 55% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 294s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 55% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 293s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 55% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 292s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 56% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 284s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 56% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 290s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 56% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 289s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 56% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 288s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 56% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 287s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 56% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 286s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 57% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 285s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 57% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 284s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 57% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 283s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 57% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 275s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 57% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 281s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 57% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 273s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 58% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 279s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 58% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 278s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 58% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 278s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 58% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 269s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 58% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 275s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 58% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 274s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 58% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 274s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 59% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 272s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 59% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 271s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 59% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 270s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 59% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 262s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 59% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 261s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 59% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 267s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 59% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 266s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 60% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 265s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 60% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 264s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 60% at 18.20 MB/s (total 18.20 MB/s) eta in 280s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 60% at 17.60 MB/s (total 17.60 MB/s) eta in 288s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 60% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 262s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 60% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 261s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 60% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 260s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 61% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 252s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 61% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 257s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 61% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 256s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 61% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 262s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 61% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 254s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 61% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 246s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 62% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 252s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 62% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 251s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 62% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 243s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 62% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 242s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 62% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 248s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 62% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 247s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 62% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 239s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 63% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 245s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 63% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 244s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 63% at 17.80 MB/s (total 17.80 MB/s) eta in 264s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 63% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 248s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 63% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 241s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 63% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 233s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 64% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 239s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 64% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 238s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 64% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 230s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 64% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 230s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 64% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 235s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 64% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 234s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 64% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 227s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 65% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 231s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 65% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 231s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 65% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 230s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 65% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 223s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 65% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 228s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 65% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 227s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 66% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 220s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 66% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 219s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 66% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 224s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 66% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 223s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 66% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 222s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 66% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 221s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 66% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 220s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 67% at 19.60 MB/s (total 19.60 MB/s) eta in 216s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 67% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 212s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 67% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 212s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 67% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 209s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 67% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 214s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 67% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 208s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 67% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 212s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 68% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 211s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 68% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 210s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 68% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 209s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 68% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 208s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 68% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 202s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 68% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 201s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 69% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 205s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 69% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 204s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 69% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 198s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 69% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 197s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 69% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 201s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 69% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 200s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 69% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 199s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 70% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 198s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 70% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 192s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 70% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 196s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 70% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 196s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 70% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 190s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 70% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 194s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 71% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 193s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 71% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 186s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 71% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 190s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 71% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 184s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 71% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 188s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 71% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 187s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 71% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 186s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 72% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 181s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 72% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 184s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 72% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 183s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 72% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 182s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 72% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 182s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 72% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 181s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 73% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 174s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 73% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 178s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 73% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 177s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 73% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 172s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 73% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 175s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 73% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 174s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 73% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 173s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 74% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 167s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 74% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 167s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 74% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 171s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 74% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 164s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 74% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 163s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 74% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 167s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 74% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 166s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 75% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 161s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 75% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 164s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 75% at 18.80 MB/s (total 18.80 MB/s) eta in 168s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 75% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 162s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 75% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 161s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 75% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 160s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 76% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 159s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 76% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 154s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 76% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 157s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 76% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 156s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 76% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 155s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 76% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 154s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 76% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 153s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 77% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 148s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 77% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 151s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 77% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 150s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 77% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 149s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 77% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 148s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 77% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 143s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 78% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 146s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 78% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 145s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 78% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 140s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 78% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 143s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 78% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 138s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 78% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 141s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 78% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 140s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 79% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 139s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 79% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 138s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 79% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 137s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 79% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 136s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 79% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 131s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 79% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 134s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 79% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 133s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 80% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 129s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 80% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 131s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 80% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 130s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 80% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 129s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 80% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 128s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 80% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 127s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 81% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 126s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 81% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 125s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 81% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 124s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 81% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 123s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 81% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 119s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 81% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 121s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 82% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 117s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 82% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 116s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 82% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 118s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 82% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 117s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 82% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 113s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 82% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 115s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 82% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 111s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 83% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 110s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 83% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 112s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 83% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 111s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 83% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 107s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 83% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 108s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 83% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 107s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 83% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 107s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 84% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 106s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 84% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 102s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 84% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 101s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 84% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 100s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 84% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 98s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 84% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 98s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 85% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 99s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 85% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 98s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 85% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 97s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 85% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 96s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 85% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 95s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 85% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 92s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 85% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 91s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 86% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 90s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 86% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 91s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 86% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 90s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 86% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 87s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 86% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 86s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 86% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 87s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 87% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 86s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 87% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 83s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 87% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 84s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 87% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 83s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 87% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 80s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 87% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 79s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 87% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 80s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 88% at 19.80 MB/s (total 19.80 MB/s) eta in 77s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 88% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 78s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 88% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 77s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 88% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 76s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 88% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 73s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 88% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 72s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 89% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 71s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 89% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 72s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 89% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 71s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 89% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 68s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 89% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 69s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 89% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 68s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 89% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 67s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 90% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 64s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 90% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 63s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 90% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 64s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 90% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 63s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 90% at 19.90 MB/s (total 19.90 MB/s) eta in 60s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 90% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 61s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 91% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 60s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 91% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 58s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 91% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 58s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 91% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 57s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 91% at 19.30 MB/s (total 19.30 MB/s) eta in 56s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 91% at 18.60 MB/s (total 18.60 MB/s) eta in 57s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 91% at 19.20 MB/s (total 19.20 MB/s) eta in 54s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 92% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 53s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 92% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 52s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 92% at 19.40 MB/s (total 19.40 MB/s) eta in 51s with 0 failed devices gui.js:35 Flashing 1 device, 92% at 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