INFO: server hostname or IP address is configured to "" INFO: upstream port is configured to "1700" INFO: downstream port is configured to "1700" INFO: downstream keep-alive interval is configured to 10 seconds INFO: statistics display interval is configured to 30 seconds INFO: upstream PUSH_DATA time-out is configured to 100 ms INFO: packets received with a valid CRC will be forwarded INFO: packets received with a CRC error will NOT be forwarded INFO: packets received with no CRC will NOT be forwarded INFO: GPS serial port path is configured to "/dev/ttyAMA0" INFO: Reference latitude is configured to 0.000000 deg INFO: Reference longitude is configured to 0.000000 deg INFO: Reference altitude is configured to 0 meters INFO: Beaconing period is configured to 0 seconds INFO: Beaconing signal will be emitted at 869525000 Hz INFO: Beaconing channel number is set to 1 INFO: Beaconing channel frequency step is set to 0Hz INFO: Beaconing datarate is set to SF9 INFO: Beaconing modulation bandwidth is set to 125000Hz INFO: Beaconing TX power is set to 27dBm INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named debug_conf, parsing debug parameters INFO: got 2 debug reference payload INFO: reference payload ID 0 is 0xCAFE1234 INFO: reference payload ID 1 is 0xCAFE2345 INFO: setting debug log file name to loragw_hal.log INFO: found configuration file local_conf.json, parsing it INFO: local_conf.json does contain a JSON object named gateway_conf, parsing gateway parameters INFO: gateway MAC address is configured to 0242ACFFFE110003 INFO: server hostname or IP address is configured to "helium-miner" INFO: upstream port is configured to "1680" INFO: downstream port is configured to "1680" INFO: packets received with a valid CRC will be forwarded INFO: packets received with a CRC error will NOT be forwarded INFO: packets received with no CRC will NOT be forwarded INFO: GPS serial port path is configured to "/dev/ttyAMA0" INFO: Reference latitude is configured to 0.000000 deg INFO: Reference longitude is configured to 0.000000 deg INFO: Reference altitude is configured to 0 meters INFO: fake GPS is disabled This is uart for GPS. INFO: [main] TTY port /dev/ttyAMA0 open for GPS synchronization Opening SPI communication interface Note: chip version is 0x10 (v1.0) INFO updated routing to height 1420238, module: dispatcher INFO starting, oui: 1, uri:, pubkey: 112qB3YaH5bZkCnKA5uRH7tBtGNv2Y5B4smv1jsmvGUzgKT71QpE, module: router INFO: using legacy timestamp INFO: LoRa Service modem: configuring preamble size to 8 symbols ARB: dual demodulation disabled for all SF INFO: [main] concentrator started, packet can now be received INFO: concentrator EUI: 0x0016c001f10ac125 ##### 2022-06-30 12:45:39 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 30821698 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 30543015 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593139 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:45:39 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:46:09 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 60825603 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 60542986 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593169 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:46:09 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:46:39 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 90829356 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 90542956 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593199 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:46:39 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:47:09 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 120832504 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 120542927 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593229 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:47:09 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} Killing service 'helium-miner sha256:b724f21faa123d7401ce44a45a8025bffffade12d35f5926b5590ca5863bb9f5' Killing service 'udp-packet-forwarder sha256:466f040b5dbb87330fe4464dc0b397925b6c108fadf0d204b59f92818d4b1aa7' ##### 2022-06-30 12:47:39 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 150838920 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 150542897 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593259 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:47:39 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} Service exited 'udp-packet-forwarder sha256:466f040b5dbb87330fe4464dc0b397925b6c108fadf0d204b59f92818d4b1aa7' Service exited 'helium-miner sha256:b724f21faa123d7401ce44a45a8025bffffade12d35f5926b5590ca5863bb9f5' Killed service 'udp-packet-forwarder sha256:466f040b5dbb87330fe4464dc0b397925b6c108fadf0d204b59f92818d4b1aa7' Killed service 'helium-miner sha256:b724f21faa123d7401ce44a45a8025bffffade12d35f5926b5590ca5863bb9f5' Installing service 'helium-miner sha256:b724f21faa123d7401ce44a45a8025bffffade12d35f5926b5590ca5863bb9f5' Installed service 'helium-miner sha256:b724f21faa123d7401ce44a45a8025bffffade12d35f5926b5590ca5863bb9f5' Starting service 'helium-miner sha256:b724f21faa123d7401ce44a45a8025bffffade12d35f5926b5590ca5863bb9f5' Started service 'helium-miner sha256:b724f21faa123d7401ce44a45a8025bffffade12d35f5926b5590ca5863bb9f5' Starting Starting Lastest Helium Gateway settings file succesfully downloaded Checking for I2C device ECC is not present. ECC is not present. ECC is not present. ECC is not present. ECC is not present. ECC is not present. ECC is not present. ECC is not present. ECC is not present. Setting REGION_OVERRIDE REGION_OVERRIDE is set to EU868 Interacting with ECC_CHIP Key file already exists Calling helium_gateway server ... INFO starting server, key: 13fthND3Z2RHMnUfRF2KYMVZjugZ7ECMcsLNi8qkUfDJksJjafp, version: 1.0.0-alpha.27 INFO starting, listen:, module: gateway INFO starting, region: EU868, module: dispatcher INFO default router, uri:, pubkey: 11w77YQLhgUt8HUJrMtntGGr97RyXmot1ofs5Ct2ELTmbFoYsQa, module: dispatcher INFO default router, uri:, pubkey: 11afuQSrmk52mgxLu91AdtDXbJ9wmqWBUxC3hvjejoXkxEZfPvY, module: dispatcher INFO seed gateway, uri:, pubkey: 112Go1gHKBNBjSJztRD1x9m4H9krFiawrU444VC6PbEiwmWvFAUu, module: dispatcher INFO starting, module: updater INFO starting, listen:, module: api INFO using gateway, uri:, pubkey: 148uPVK2osLcz6bVL5pE5S4KSnn2MgpNyxFAyVp91W64iAgce4H, module: dispatcher INFO updated region to EU868 at height 1420241, module: dispatcher INFO checking gateway, block_age: 86, pubkey: 148uPVK2osLcz6bVL5pE5S4KSnn2MgpNyxFAyVp91W64iAgce4H, module: dispatcher INFO starting, oui: 36, uri:, pubkey: 112jSnGvEVR14JcFrfUsn8qNWiqUXnkKNR8F5E35DW4v3uBR9pJd, module: router Installing service 'udp-packet-forwarder sha256:466f040b5dbb87330fe4464dc0b397925b6c108fadf0d204b59f92818d4b1aa7' INFO starting, oui: 35, uri:, pubkey: 11Bx8f9AfqfjAgbya7FXgrsYNBAia2ByXDTFPnuEN9ZsTj2EsTo, module: router INFO starting, oui: 34, uri:, pubkey: 112kgPQziHfRfmNpy5qzAjcJXgGyL8xkhVY1N3dxHTiYH8x5YWRE, module: router INFO starting, oui: 32, uri:, pubkey: 112NPko5pGbaJ4yoEGGvXtLFBpmayZLuiHxUGKcj6U7QMvuSVogU, module: router INFO starting, oui: 30, uri:, pubkey: 11PdCC4SBPRhpeopNUARdNRhs4NextfFMTo59eYrbTRrkFCpwr2, module: router INFO starting, oui: 28, uri:, pubkey: 112F126Kaz36Awr9mCJ6NahVNcXmRtJ7Jrscf365eNmqPh4GhtzF, module: router INFO starting, oui: 27, uri:, pubkey: 11HSuFufeg1dZiKs7TEfgt7KazrBhsTvqCXEJaE9tD4hj76WuXU, module: router INFO no update found, module: updater INFO starting, oui: 25, uri:, pubkey: 112kkCXnZmPCo1UonJLWRin29nS4Qcwn2J6J3ZcBLgTnWTqmRisx, module: router INFO starting, oui: 24, uri:, pubkey: 112uGkZS27qEmDmaV97knnNiVUzPW8qCsuBN16STia2MwUra4BbV, module: router INFO starting, oui: 23, uri:, pubkey: 11yPFswfF7jZrEbAGJvabuXobsRktjJXRYyb9wwXYtVk11kCuko, module: router INFO starting, oui: 21, uri:, pubkey: 11So3oaJ8pGdvYFNQV15HZtwUZCDcmHsUH6nTFJD4CVCAqMiskP, module: router Installed service 'udp-packet-forwarder sha256:466f040b5dbb87330fe4464dc0b397925b6c108fadf0d204b59f92818d4b1aa7' Starting service 'udp-packet-forwarder sha256:466f040b5dbb87330fe4464dc0b397925b6c108fadf0d204b59f92818d4b1aa7' INFO starting, oui: 19, uri:, pubkey: 11HvwA1pKjzhDF9BvDDwopeNLrb3it6sNVXrtkq2DAdakVWvKSD, module: router INFO starting, oui: 16, uri:, pubkey: 11afuQSrmk52mgxLu91AdtDXbJ9wmqWBUxC3hvjejoXkxEZfPvY, module: router INFO starting, oui: 15, uri:, pubkey: 117FMcZy77Ehz6gbTtSdSEs38vF784NLkxmWXUPcA2Ze3QxwJhG, module: router INFO starting, oui: 12, uri:, pubkey: 112ewJNEUfSg3Jvo276tMjzFC2JzmmZcJJ32CWz2fzYqbyCMMTe1, module: router INFO starting, oui: 10, uri:, pubkey: 11YmZtwTPEuMSFGxze1x9TfDfGezN7vXevLu71iJe9FBbvNRAgk, module: router INFO starting, oui: 9, uri:, pubkey: 11w77YQLhgUt8HUJrMtntGGr97RyXmot1ofs5Ct2ELTmbFoYsQa, module: router INFO starting, oui: 6, uri:, pubkey: 11awcuSbVURPkXX3FbKC7KF6bgEPRZqqPzv1FTEYABMLttUr13E, module: router INFO starting, oui: 4, uri:, pubkey: 11263KvqW3GZPAvag5sQYtBJSjb25azSTSwoi5Tza9kboaLRxcsv, module: router INFO starting, oui: 2, uri:, pubkey: 1124CJ9yJaHq4D6ugyPCDnSBzQik61C1BqD9VMh1vsUmjwt16HNB, module: router INFO updated routing to height 1420241, module: dispatcher INFO starting, oui: 1, uri:, pubkey: 112qB3YaH5bZkCnKA5uRH7tBtGNv2Y5B4smv1jsmvGUzgKT71QpE, module: router Started service 'udp-packet-forwarder sha256:466f040b5dbb87330fe4464dc0b397925b6c108fadf0d204b59f92818d4b1aa7' ------------------------------------------------------------------ Model: "RAK2245" Module: Concentrator: SX1302 Interface: SPI Radio Device: /dev/spidev0.0 SPI Speed: 8000000 Has GPS: 1 GPS Device: /dev/ttyAMA0 Has LTE: 0 Reset GPIO: 23 Enable GPIO: 0 Main NIC: eth0 Gateway EUI: 0242ACFFFE110003 Server: helium-miner:1680 Band: eu_863_870 Use fake GPS: false ------------------------------------------------------------------ parse error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 12 Concentrator reset through GPIO23 *** Packet Forwarder *** Version: 2.0.1 *** SX1302 HAL library version info *** Version: 2.0.1; *** INFO: Little endian host INFO: found configuration file global_conf.json, parsing it INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named SX130x_conf, parsing SX1302 parameters INFO: com_type SPI, com_path /dev/spidev0.0, lorawan_public 1, clksrc 0, full_duplex 0 INFO: antenna_gain 0 dBi INFO: Configuring legacy timestamp INFO: no configuration for SX1261 INFO: Configuring Tx Gain LUT for rf_chain 0 with 16 indexes for sx1250 INFO: radio 0 enabled (type SX1250), center frequency 867500000, RSSI offset -215.399994, tx enabled 1, single input mode 0 INFO: radio 1 enabled (type SX1250), center frequency 868500000, RSSI offset -215.399994, tx enabled 0, single input mode 0 INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 0> radio 1, IF -400000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 5 to 12 INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 1> radio 1, IF -200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 5 to 12 INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 2> radio 1, IF 0 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 5 to 12 INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 3> radio 0, IF -400000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 5 to 12 INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 4> radio 0, IF -200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 5 to 12 INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 5> radio 0, IF 0 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 5 to 12 INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 6> radio 0, IF 200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 5 to 12 INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 7> radio 0, IF 400000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 5 to 12 INFO: Lora std channel> radio 1, IF -200000 Hz, 250000 Hz bw, SF 7, Explicit header INFO: FSK channel> radio 1, IF 300000 Hz, 125000 Hz bw, 50000 bps datarate INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named gateway_conf, parsing gateway parameters INFO: gateway MAC address is configured to AA555A0000000000 INFO: server hostname or IP address is configured to "" INFO: upstream port is configured to "1700" INFO: downstream port is configured to "1700" INFO: downstream keep-alive interval is configured to 10 seconds INFO: statistics display interval is configured to 30 seconds INFO: upstream PUSH_DATA time-out is configured to 100 ms INFO: packets received with a valid CRC will be forwarded INFO: packets received with a CRC error will NOT be forwarded INFO: packets received with no CRC will NOT be forwarded INFO: GPS serial port path is configured to "/dev/ttyAMA0" INFO: Reference latitude is configured to 0.000000 deg INFO: Reference longitude is configured to 0.000000 deg INFO: Reference altitude is configured to 0 meters INFO: Beaconing period is configured to 0 seconds INFO: Beaconing signal will be emitted at 869525000 Hz INFO: Beaconing channel number is set to 1 INFO: Beaconing channel frequency step is set to 0Hz INFO: Beaconing datarate is set to SF9 INFO: Beaconing modulation bandwidth is set to 125000Hz INFO: Beaconing TX power is set to 27dBm INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named debug_conf, parsing debug parameters INFO: got 2 debug reference payload INFO: reference payload ID 0 is 0xCAFE1234 INFO: reference payload ID 1 is 0xCAFE2345 INFO: setting debug log file name to loragw_hal.log INFO: found configuration file local_conf.json, parsing it INFO: local_conf.json does contain a JSON object named gateway_conf, parsing gateway parameters INFO: gateway MAC address is configured to 0242ACFFFE110003 INFO: server hostname or IP address is configured to "helium-miner" INFO: upstream port is configured to "1680" INFO: downstream port is configured to "1680" INFO: packets received with a valid CRC will be forwarded INFO: packets received with a CRC error will NOT be forwarded INFO: packets received with no CRC will NOT be forwarded INFO: GPS serial port path is configured to "/dev/ttyAMA0" INFO: Reference latitude is configured to 0.000000 deg INFO: Reference longitude is configured to 0.000000 deg INFO: Reference altitude is configured to 0 meters INFO: fake GPS is disabled This is uart for GPS. INFO: [main] TTY port /dev/ttyAMA0 open for GPS synchronization Opening SPI communication interface Note: chip version is 0x10 (v1.0) INFO: using legacy timestamp INFO: LoRa Service modem: configuring preamble size to 8 symbols ARB: dual demodulation disabled for all SF INFO: [main] concentrator started, packet can now be received INFO: concentrator EUI: 0x0016c001f10ac125 ##### 2022-06-30 12:48:25 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 30821559 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 29888558 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593305 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:48:25 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:48:55 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 60826443 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 59888529 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593335 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:48:55 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:49:25 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 90832822 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 89888499 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593365 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:49:25 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:49:55 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 120836915 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 119888470 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593395 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:49:55 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:50:25 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 150842324 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 149888441 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593425 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:50:25 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:50:55 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 180849572 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 179888411 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593455 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:50:55 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:51:25 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 210855322 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 209888382 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593485 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:51:25 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:51:55 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 240860421 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 239888352 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593515 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:51:55 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:52:25 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 270868582 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 269888323 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593545 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:52:25 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:52:55 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 300873838 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 299888293 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593575 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:52:55 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} INFO: Received pkt from mote: 0100DA30 (fcnt=11774) JSON up: {"rxpk":[{"jver":1,"tmst":328434840,"chan":7,"rfch":0,"freq":867.900000,"mid": 0,"stat":1,"modu":"LORA","datr":"SF12BW125","codr":"4/5","rssis":-93,"lsnr":7.0,"foff":-326,"rssi":-93,"size":52,"data":"QDDaAAFQ/i3WAE5ZAJeLCEWgYB++V1s8w6WNysMhgdM6Mkq5cslrq/CONpNU6A48Ld0X5g=="}]} ##### 2022-06-30 12:53:25 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 1 # CRC_OK: 100.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 1 (52 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 2 (450 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 330876287 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 329888264 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593605 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:53:25 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":1,"rxok":1,"rxfw":1,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:53:55 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 360879573 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 359888234 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593635 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:53:55 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:54:25 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 390885427 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 389888205 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593665 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:54:25 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:54:56 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 420889976 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 420888175 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593696 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:54:56 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:55:26 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 450893830 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 450888145 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593726 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:55:26 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:55:56 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 480899953 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 480888116 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593756 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:55:56 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} INFO updated routing to height 1420250, module: dispatcher ##### 2022-06-30 12:56:26 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 510909173 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 510888086 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593786 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:56:26 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:56:56 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 2 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 540912583 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 540888057 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593816 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:56:56 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:57:26 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 570917428 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 570888027 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593846 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:57:26 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} INFO no update found, module: updater ##### 2022-06-30 12:57:56 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 600921643 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 600887998 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593876 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:57:56 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:58:26 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 630926206 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 630887969 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593906 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:58:26 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}} ##### 2022-06-30 12:58:56 GMT ##### ### [UPSTREAM] ### # RF packets received by concentrator: 0 # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00% # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes) # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (162 bytes) # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00% ### [DOWNSTREAM] ### # PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged) # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes) # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes) # TX errors: 0 ### SX1302 Status ### # SX1302 counter (INST): 660930877 # SX1302 counter (PPS): 660887939 # BEACON queued: 0 # BEACON sent so far: 0 # BEACON rejected: 0 ### [JIT] ### src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty #-------- src/jitqueue.c:440:jit_print_queue(): INFO: [jit] queue is empty ### [GPS] ### # Invalid time reference (age: 1656593936 sec) # GPS coordinates: latitude 51.80073, longitude 1.13367, altitude 2 m ##### END ##### JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2022-06-30 12:58:56 GMT","lati":51.80073,"long":1.13367,"alti":2,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0,"temp":0.0}}