2023-07-12 20-08-56.666 [Error] (Controller) Time sync request failed: Bad file descriptor 2023-07-12 20-08-57.672 [Error] (Connection) Error reading message header of length 0: End of file 2023-07-12 20-08-57.672 [Error] (Connection) Error in socket shutdown: Socket not connected 2023-07-12 20-08-57.672 [Error] (Connection) Failed to send message, error: Bad file descriptor 2023-07-12 20-08-57.672 [Error] (Controller) Time sync request failed: Bad file descriptor 2023-07-12 20-08-58.666 [Error] (Controller) Failed to send hello request, error: Operation timed out 2023-07-12 20-08-58.666 [Error] (Controller) Time sync request failed: Operation timed out Supervisor starting Starting Spotify plugin... Device name: balenaSound Spotify d1fb [2023-07-12T20:10:02Z INFO librespot] librespot 0.4.2 UNKNOWN (Built on 2022-08-01, Build ID: leSkOw9g, Profile: release) > sound-supervisor@1.0.1 start /usr/src > node build/index.js Sound supervisor listening on port 80 Error connecting to audio block - Retry failed: connect ECONNREFUSED Error connecting to audio block - Retry failed: connect ECONNREFUSED Error connecting to audio block - Retry failed: connect ECONNREFUSED Connected to PulseAudio at Server protocol version: 35 Client protocol version: 33 Joining the fleet, requesting master info with fleet-sync... --- Multiroom --- Starting multiroom service with settings: - Multiroom mode: bash - Snapcast version: v0.26.0 Waiting for sound supervisor to start at Waiting for sound supervisor to start at Starting multi-room client... - balenaSound mode: MULTI_ROOM - Target snapcast server: 2023-07-12 20-10-14.985 [Error] (Connection) Failed to connect to host '', error: Connection refused 2023-07-12 20-10-14.985 [Error] (Controller) Error: Connection refused 2023-07-12 20-10-14.985 [Error] (Connection) Error in socket shutdown: Socket not connected 2023-07-12 20-10-18.026 [Error] (Controller) Failed to send hello request, error: Operation timed out 2023-07-12 20-10-18.026 [Error] (Controller) Time sync request failed: Operation timed out 2023-07-12 20-10-18.027 [Error] (Connection) Error reading message header of length 0: Operation canceled --- Multiroom --- Starting multiroom service with settings: - Multiroom mode: bash - Snapcast version: v0.26.0 Waiting for sound supervisor to start at Starting multi-room server... 2023-07-12 20-10-11.971 [Error] (Avahi) Failed to create client: Daemon not running ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused 2023-07-12 20-10-12.188 [Error] (Snapserver) Exception: Can't open device 'pulse', error: Connection refused --- Multiroom --- Starting multiroom service with settings: - Multiroom mode: bash - Snapcast version: v0.26.0 Starting multi-room server... 2023-07-12 20-10-18.531 [Error] (Avahi) Failed to create client: Daemon not running 2023-07-12 20-10-19.009 [Error] (StreamSessionTCP) Error reading message header of length 0: End of file 2023-07-12 20-10-19.010 [Error] (StreamSessionTCP) Error in socket shutdown: Socket not connected