What are we working on? The Balena Notes

Thanks @telphan

Other than the standard bug fixes and improvements on the builder that normally I’m work on, I’ve been adding a very exciting feature to our resin-cli module.

A lot of people aren’t comfortable with sending their source code or other sensitive information to the resin builder, and here at resin we want to be accessible to everybody with every requirement! To this end, I created resin build and resin deploy options in the cli which allows users to build their image locally, and still have it deployed to their fleet. The feature is still in beta (and this is before the “official” announcement - you heard it here first!) so testers/early adopters are invited to trial the features.

I’ll be adding some polish to these features in the next week or so (and possibly changing the interface - you’ve been warned! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), but then it should be out of beta and ready for the general resin community.

My plans after this are to continue the work on the coveted multi-container update. It’s an update which touches just about every piece of our infrastructure, so it’s no small task. Of course that just adds to the challenge! Stay tuned, because it’s going to be a game-changer! :slight_smile:

I’m quite interested in hearing what our resident node expert @tim is up to, so I nominate you :slight_smile: