NTP server IP configuration with Static IP unit

Hi @Marc, @alexgg

Thank you for the relevant suggestions and clarifications (also mentioned in the thread Running commands at boot or after boot on HOST OS - #4 by suporte)

Based on your input we implemented the following workflow

  1. at build time we install chrony in the container (dockerfile)
  2. in each reboot:
    2.1) stop hostOS chronyd from the container (via D-Bus message)
    2.2) launch chronyd -f <path_to_persistent_folder/chrony.conf) in the container
    2.3) any updates to the aforementioned file will fuze a reboot and the workflow restarts at 2)

This seems to be working most of the time, although sometimes, after rebooting, the container has trouble running the chronyd -f

(container)# chronyc sources
506 Cannot talk to daemon

We are trying to understand this behavior