Massive data usage from devices

Hey @GregorR1, the data usage is mainly comprised of:

  • device logs (as you discovered): this you either disable logs, or control what your application is logging
  • container updates: when you update your application it will pull the updated images. This you can reduce with delta updates (see our delta updates docs)
  • very small numbers from other sources, which should not be significant, but worth mentioning: web terminal if you are connecting to the device, VPN keepalives, NTP time updatesetc. There is another post where were we measured and gave some advice minimizing these last group, just the sake of completeness: Updated bandwidth usage numbers

These are regular cases. Irregular case would be if there’s a device that is not working properly (for example repeatedly downloading images due to some issues, or other cases that we cannot guess from this info so far). Thus did you see anything strange in the logs before you disabled them?

Or, if you would like our support agents to take a look, you can enable support access in the device’s dropdown actions menu, and send us the device’s UUID, and we can take a look, if there’s anything specific.