How to deploy official eclipse-mosquitto container on a raspberry pi as a service in a docker compose file?

I have found the fix.

On the docker hub link: eclipse-mosquitto
you can find a section Supported architectures with following content:

Supported architectures : (more info)
amd64 , arm32v6 , arm64v8 , i386 , ppc64le , s390x

For Raspberry Pi 3B you need to select arm32v7 or arm32v6 in case v7 is not available and this will navigate you to arm32v6/eclipse-mosquitto
which will tell you to use arm32v6/eclipse-mosquitto as image.

So the following commands in the docker-compose.yml should work for a raspberry Pi 3B.

    image: arm32v6/eclipse-mosquitto
      - "1883:1883"
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