Device restarts on plugging in Ethernet (Was: Flash custom image via CLI)

Why ResinOS has this error when boot?

[FAILED] Failed to start Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill0.
See ‘systemctl status systemd-rfkill@rfkill0.service’ for details.
[FAILED] Failed to start Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill2.
See ‘systemctl status systemd-rfkill@rfkill2.service’ for details.
[FAILED] Failed to start Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill1.
See ‘systemctl status systemd-rfkill@rfkill1.service’ for details.

And I get strange chars at console … also resinOs is sending AT command for LTE modem…


echo on and off? Why it is send to serial console :wink:

One more important thing.
We use usb hub LAN9514

This hub has 5 usb ports. One is with usb to ethernet adapter which defenietly your OS has problem with.

When I plug to this hub typical adapter usb-ethernet from Apple, I get new net interface eth1 and all just works.

Could you figure out why my resinOs keep rebooting when this adapter from 9500 family is used??

What usb to ethernet adapters for custom boards you recomend and you are sure that they are suported out of the box by your kernel? Please help asap as we need start production line this week

The link you mention is to the chip, is there an actual product that you can share with us? Is it a powered USB hub or is it powered off the Edison? How exactly is it connected (which USB ports, is it through a breakout board)? Asking all these so we can sport any issues and/or try to replicate the setup you have exactly. As mentioned above, things can relate to power supply issues, and hence the hub’s connection should be relevant.

Since you mention custom boards, it’s hard to give any hard recommendations, but will look into what’s available on the market and what’s used most common (so far we have very few reports that people use that, so your report is already valuable). On a side note, the kernel defconfig used for edison is available to check what modules are enabled by default.

The AT commands to the modem should not come from the OS itself, my guess it is NetworkManager related, as that handles networking. Also what gsm modem are you using and how’s that connected?

Looking into this and keep you posted. Since debugging this needs hardware it is more complex, unfortunately.

Hi @Przemek , quick question, did you have these issues before when you were using the kernel driver compiled as in our example ?

One other question. Do you have the same issue with a .prod image? Even if it is a .prod image, you should still see the boot log in the serial console, you just won’t be able to login because serial logins are disabled in production images.

Regarding alle the wiring, power and etc I asked my pcb desinger to answer your questions. Today

Regarding divers. I compiled it on edison with resin or standard yocto - I don’t remember. I newer tried your method with script. I thing that if driver installled via insmod, they are ok. But if that help I will try to build them as you described.

Problem is the same with prod img. I am guessing here cos never seen logs on prod version on serial console but behaviour is the same. Ssh via wifi then plugin eth cable and board goes offline (probablly rebooting in circle). Ps. It is 9pm here.

Okay. Let’s try tomorrow with driver compiled with our instructions and on a .prod image.
It’s even later here :slight_smile:

Hi all,
I made that custom board for Intel Edison, so I can answer all your question abut it, but I don’t know is it a good idea to put schematic of our board into public forum, so if you want it I can send it through e-mail.

A little hardware description: The LAN9514 hub is a part of our board. LAN9514 and Edison are supplied from Step-Down converter (LM3671-3.3) with total capacitors ~1mF and ferite breads.
It (ethernet connection) works with standard Yocto 3.10.17 and 3.10.98.

Today we tried to run it on my other custom board (it is used to run Vending Machines connected trough Ethernet, it run Yocto/ubilinux with Java, handling Image recognition, card terminal, printer, VPN connection…). In that other board we have 3x TPS54332 Step-Down converter (3.3V; 4.2V; 5V), separately for LAN9514 and Intel Edison and 5V logic and we have the same effect as we have on our current board :frowning:

Let me know what information do you need to solve our issue.

Best Regards

Hi, before we consider that, can you guys try on your side to use a production resinOS image and also compile and use the required drivers as suggested in

Also, do you guys have an e-mail address we can contact you on to discuss things further?

Yes sure. We are on it. Will let you know asap.

Please contact with us via

I have pcb schema for you also.