Can Docker-Compose variables be informed by service/device variables? What about default variables?

I’m using Balena in a multicontainer to run Jupyter, all in all this isn’t too ridiculous. For now this will do.



# If MING_JUPYTER_PASS is set then hash this password via Jupyter and store it in hashed_password
# otherwise use MING_JUPYTER_DEFAULT_PASS as none has been set by the user

if [[ -n "$MING_JUPYTER_PASS" ]]; then
  hashed_password=$(python3 -c "from notebook.auth import passwd; print(passwd('$MING_JUPYTER_PASS'))")
  hashed_password=$(python3 -c "from notebook.auth import passwd; print(passwd('$MING_JUPYTER_DEFAULT_PASS'))")

jupyter lab --ip= --NotebookApp.password="$hashed_password"